Chapter 7

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Amor walked into the throne room angrily, "ah hello there Amor." The king said with a smile, "oh zip it, you've done what you wanted, so I have something to say Alexander... congratulations you've made your daughter breakup with her girlfriend a damage you can never undo, kind of stupid you know, so yeah, congratulations to you." She said and the king looked furious at her "don't you dare speak to me like that child." He said, "oh shut up you old huge elf, you should be ashamed for what you did" Amor added, the two broke into a fight while the Balsam family looked from the sides.

Meanwhile at Amor's home..
"Mama we need to figure out a way to get her back!" Aram spoke to their mom on the phone, "darling I have no idea where to find her I sent cops and everything!" Mrs. Arian talked to Aram and then hung up, Aram looked at the floor sad as Olivia came to comfort them "there there baby... I am sorry this happening to you but maybe she is..." Olivia said comforting them, "no no no.. there is no way..." they teared up and hugged her.

Amor walked out of the throne room angrily, she barged into the room seeing Mishel and Doen in the room speaking by holograms, "oh my bad!" She said and walked out closing the door behind her but did not leave and heard the whole conversation, "that's it I told my father everything about my sister and all, now all that left is for you to take that annoying human thingy. but I must warn you, she likes someone else named Lucas" Deon said with a smirk, "SHE WHAT, you better get him away from my future wife I DO NOT THAT LUCAS BOY STAY IN BETWEEN US" Mishel replied, "will do Mishel. Lucas is my best friend I just need to make up a lie and drive him away from her" he said "or kill him" he added, Amor gasped and ran away, "dude why do I always feel like someone's watching me" Deon said looking around, "you are being paranoid." Mishel said and hung up, "I swear I will kill that human one day." Doen said.

Amor ran into the training room where she saw Lucas, "oh hello there." Amor said looking angry, Luca's looked at her and smiled "hello there miss, you okay?" He asked, Amor ignored him and began training angrily and her eyes began glowing green a bit, "m-miss?" Lucas said worried, Amor kicked a punching bag and cut it in half "WHAT LUCAS." Amor said furious, "y-your eyes..." Lucas said pointing at his eyes and giving her a little mirror, Amor gasped "OH I AM SO SO SORRY" she panicked, Lucas held her hands "miss.. MISS.. look at me look me in the eyes" he said in a calm voice, she looked at his yellow and red eyes, "everything is alright.. just take a deep breath" he added, Amor slightly blushed and breathed and green glow eyes faded away and returned to the normal color, she realized he was holding her hands and she let go of him, Lucas looked confused, he cleared his throat and said "so um- miss Amor-" he was cut off by her, "please just call me Amor" she said and he nodded, "so what are you doing here?" He asked, "none of your business" she replied not looking at him and training, "jeez okay, also you are holding the sword wrong, and I think I could help you control this new power of yours if you'd let me help." He suggested, Amor looked at him "how can I know I can trust you Lucas." She asked suspiciously, "oh please I can't hurt a fly" he said and let out his hand, Amor shook his hand and sort of regretted, "OKAY! Let's start lesson number one!" He said Amor nodded looking at her hand with sparkles in her eyes, he threw a sword to her and she caught it, "nice reflex girl." He said and smiled, she blushed a bit and snapped out of it and smirked, "well I did learn how to sword fight, by my older sibling" she said, "I can beat you up easily." She declared, "we'll see" he said with a smug look on his face, the two fought and trained throughout the whole day.
Deon peeked through the door and looking angry, "I told you I would win." She said and smirked as she helped him up, "yeah you are right." He said and got up, "well I will see you tomorrow" she said and ran away, "y-yeah okay!" Lucas said with a smile on his face, "hello Lucas." Deon showed up from behind and Lucas almost hit him "shit sorry dude!" Lucas said, the two talked "Listen Lucas your family needs you, you have to go" he added Lucas looked worried as he took his stuff, "I will be back soon, can you tell Amor I will be back soon?" He asked, "yeah of course!" Deon replied as Lucas rushed out.

Amor was laying in her bed and Deon suddenly knocked on the door "the door is open" she said and he walked in "oh hi Deon" she waved, "hey Amor, um- listen I know you like Lucas but I am here to warn you that he has a girlfriend and now he's gone... he.. he died..." he said looking down, Amor teared up and looked sad "like I said love is a waist of time..." she said and hugged her doll. Deon walked out grinning

Credit for one of my dearest friend thank you Deutschkurs123

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