Chapter 10

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The news has spread across the kingdom, Hannah Estella Lucas and Alexa began making a plan.
Meanwhile Deon, Mr.Arian and Mishel's plan has began.

Mishel got into the world with Mr.Arian and made their way to the castle, when they got in Mishel saw Amor "MY LOVE!" He said and ran over to her, "and the fat one" he glared at Olivia, "ah yes my son's stupid girlfriend. How do you feel knowing Aram is gonna die?" He said with a smirk, "you're laying, they are with their mom!" Olivia said, Amor looked shocked "Wh-what did you do to them..." she said, "oh nothing." Mr. Arian said, "they shot them selves." Mishel said and held Amor, "now let's go." He said, Amor broke free and kicked him in the face, Eliza and Maria did the same and they fought, "OKAY I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU ALL IMMATURES" he pulled a gun and pointed it at Amor's head "if any of you move, she's gone." Deon said, suddenly Alexa Lucas Estella and Hannah broke in and held Deon to the ground, Alexa helped Eliza and Estella and Hannah helped the others up, "Lucas, why are you hurting me, I am your best friend I did this to save you from this monster!.." he said, "NO SHE IS NOT A MONSTER. YOU ARE!" He yelled, Deon shot Lucas, "NO! LUCAS!" She yelled, Her eyes began to glow, she had those cool anime powers and went to beat Deon's ass up, "COME ON! LETS GO!" Elizabeth said and they all ran away including Alexander leaving Amor Mr.Arian and Mishel in the throne room.

"Are you all okay?!" Estella asked as she helped the others, "h-hey Alexa..." Eliza said injured, "don't think I haven't forgave you." Alexa replied and began healing Eliza and the others, "my brother... he's dead now.." Alexa looked hurt and sad, Eliza quickly hugged her "I am sorry.." she said, "I will go take my revenge for Lucas." She said and looked up, "wait Lucas is your brother?" Eliza asked confused, "that's why I tried telling you to break up with her princess" Alexander said, "OH SHUT UP YOU! IT ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE OF THE ROYALTIES. I AM GOING TO GET MY BROTHER AND LEAVE FOR GOOD." Alexa shouted, Elizabeth's eyes filled up with tears, "no please don't leave me Al.. you mean so much for me.." she said as she held Alexa's hand, Alexa put her hand away "no... I am sorry.. you are gonna get married soon I can't.." Alexa said and was about to walk out, Eliza grabbed a dagger and jumped out of the window, climbing to the throne room, "ELIZABETH" Alex, Alexa, Estella and Hannah shouted.
Olivia sat there hugging her "hey there..human.. everything will be fine I promise" Maria said to calm Olivia down, "Amor.. she's probably g-gone.. how would I explain this to Aram?!.." Olivia looked nervous as tears fell down her face,
Estella Hannah and Maria her as Alexa looked out from the window and Alexander sat in the corner angry.

Eliza watched everything happen from the window, then suddenly she saw Lucas opening his eyes she snapped her fingers and got him to the others, she sneaked in as Amor was on the floor, she attacked him from behind and knocked him to the ground "Why did you do that.." Eliza looked at him disappointed, "you lied!" She added angrily, "sorry sister, classic bait and switch-" he said, Elizabeth continued and looked down "the oldest trick in the book..." she looked down, Deon started to laugh and he pointed and shot was about to shoot her, before the bullet came to Amor Elizabeth had to think fast, so she came to the rescue and got shot instead of Amor, Elizabeth fell to the ground dead, and Amor looked shocked, she did not know what to do as her eyes began glowing again and she stood up and fought, finally she have beaten Deon and he fell to the ground dead, "see you later my princess." Mishel said.
Deon sent Amor's father and Mishel back to their realm before he died and the door was shut, only Deon and Eliza could open it, but they were both dead, Amor looked around for Lucas but couldn't find him, instead she saw Elizabeth laying on the floor covered in blood, "ELIZA!" Amor's filled up with tears.

In the other room
Lucas was awake and Alexa hugged his tight "Luc!" She said tearfully, "hey Al.." he said with a smiled as he hugged her back, then they heard Amor screaming, Alexa and Lucas looked confused, Estella Hannah Maria Olivia and Alexander ran to the throne room, Alexa picked up her brother and ran there, there Alexa found her love laying on the floor with Amor covered with Elizabeth's blood, "no no no no... ELIZA!" Alexa ran to her crying, "please please stay with me.. please!" Alexa yelled, Olivia put her hands on her mouth shocked like Maria, Lucas looked down and so did Alexander tearfully, his daughter the soon to be queen has gone, Amor just hugged Eliza's body and cried and so did Alexa "I am sorry Eliza.. I am so sorry... I love you..." she said as tears fell down her face, Alexander looked at them both and took a deep breath, "I know a way to bring her back." He looked dead serious, "huh?.." Amor looked at him confused, Estella knew what is going on and looked at him worried, "you sure sir?..." she asked and he nodded, he put his hand on Eliza's head and hummed something, Estella looked down "goodbye sir.." she said, Alexander smiled and slowly faded away giving up on his life and bringing back Eliza.
Eliza floated in the air glowing, they all looked amazed as she landed slowly and started getting her normal color back, "hey guys..!" Elizabeth smiled opening her eyes, Alexa looked happy and before she knew it her had kissed her as Amor and Lucas hugged, Elizabeth blushed hotter than the surface of the sun as she kissed her back, Elizabeth smiled, Estella looked up at her and slightly smiled with tears in her eyes, "Estella?... what's wrong...? Where is Alexander" she asked and looked around, "h-he's gone... he brought you back the way-" Estella said, "the way mom died..." Eliza continued and put her hand on her mouth crying, Amor Maria Olivia and Hannah Lucas gasped, Eliza went to her brother's body and put her hand on his forehead "I am sorry... I am sorry Brother.. May you reunite with father up there...." She cried, this was such a sad and stressful day for our 'gang' here.

After they all calmed down, Deon was somewhere stored in some sort of a jar full of special water to keep his body working and so it won't rotten, she put on his face an oxygen mask and the jar was connected to computers in the room by electric wires, she looked at "I will bring you back... I promise.." she walked out.

"Are you all ready?" Lucas asked them holding their bags and stuff to fight with, "we are." They all replied, Amor stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek "see ya after that Luc." She slightly blushed, he blushed a lot and nodded smiling.
They all prepared themselves to go fight in the human realm, and the second fight shall begin.

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