Back to the normal world

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Jennie's POV
It's 5 in the morning right now, and from today onwards we are officially starting our first mission. We are moving out of our luxury mansion today, We bought a small house in Seoul to avoid suspicion  .

 We are moving out of our luxury mansion today, We bought a small house in Seoul to avoid suspicion 

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And from today we will start going to the University. So we all woke up early because we have a lot to do today , we also have to set up our stuff in our new house and attend our university classes . Our classes will start by 9 am , jisoo unnie is making breakfast and our maknae are still sleeping and I am going to wake them up now
5:30 am

 Our classes will start by 9 am , jisoo unnie is making breakfast and our maknae are still sleeping and I am going to wake them up now 5:30 am

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We are done with the breakfast now and packed our stuff, we are now all set to go7:20 am We reached our new house, it was a lot of traveling I have a stiff back now :-|

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We are done with the breakfast now and packed our stuff, we are now all set to go
7:20 am
We reached our new house, it was a lot of traveling I have a stiff back now :-|

We are done with the breakfast now and packed our stuff, we are now all set to go7:20 am We reached our new house, it was a lot of traveling I have a stiff back now :-|

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8:30 am
We set up our rooms as fast as we can  and dressed up for the first day at University,  now we were all set to go to the University ...

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