Unknown Secrets

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The next day
Jisoo's POV

As I woke up I got a call. It was from my most loyal man from the mafia world. He had been giving me updates of mafia world these days
As I recieved the call I heard something unexpected
He told me that one of the powerful mafia girl group which was known as red velvet had died last night. And there was no traces on how they died. They were all just found dead in their own mansion. the group was very powerful and it was almost impossible to even get close to them not to mention kill them in their own mansion . It has become one of the most mysterious news in the mafia world.
I suddenly hang up the call and went downstairs to my sisters. They all were laughing and chatting about last night.  I went to them hurriedly

Rosè : what happened unnie you look worried
Jisoo : I - I just got informed that someone killed red velvet in the mafia world.
Jennie : what !!!! . U mean red velvet, whom we once met during our mission. It's one of the most powerful mafia group. W- who killed them.
Jisoo : it is still mysterious. They all were found dead in their mansion. It is impossible to kill them untill someone close to them did this !

Lisa was quite all this time
And then she said
Lisa : I know unnie, I also got a call this morning from my bodyguard. Things have been changing in the mafia world these days, there have been numerous mysterious attacks happening to many other powerful groups. We have to check on what's going.
Jisoo : I know, I suspect that someone close to red velvet killed them.
Let's check on red velvet's background first
Rosè : ok

Then we all started hacking red velvet's background. An hour later we finally found that they have Been meeting with some unknown person these days . And to our surprise......... that person was somehow related to hyun suk ( BTS's Father ) . That was all we can find from their background.
Lisa: how the hell is this hyun suk related to red velvet.
Rosè : we have to find that
Jennie : if red velvet is somehow related to hyun suk, then hyun suk must have something with them too. So why don't we check hyun suk's background.
Lisa : ok
It took us another later but we can't find anything .
Rosè : there's nothing we can find. But he do have some hard copies kept in a very hideous room
Jennie : yes from the blueprint of the house we can see that there's a room in his mansion where he keeps everything important in the form of hardcopy.
Jisoo : but he have hundreds of guards around him every second.
Lisa : so what we can kill them very easily.
Jisoo : but we can't make him suspicious right now. We have to find another way.
Rosè : I have an idea but we have to involve BTS in it.
Later we give them a call to come at our house.
An hour later they reached
Jimin : what happened why did you call us so urgently here?
Jisoo : uhmm we might need some help from you guys.
We told them everything about red velvet and their father unknown relationship with Red velvet
So there's a secret room in your father's house.
And that room only have one door. The passage to that door is attached from your father's room.
Lisa : are you ok to help us, I know it's your father, it might be difficult for you to-
RM - I am in, as I am the eldest and spent the most time with father. I- have saw him doing many illegal things. Even our company is running on illegal stuffs. He is a very bad guy. He doesn't care about anyone's life. I feel ashamed to even call him my father . He should get what he deserves.
BTS : yes we are in.
Jk : just tell us the plan lily.
Lisa :ok so if any of you guys can managed to go inside without making the guards suspicious
Rosè : but the room have very high tech security, so u might have to take one of us with you too.

Bts : ok, but when are we supposed to do it
Jisoo : the sooner the better. Many people's life have been in danger.
I saw your father's schedule he have a business dinner tonight, so he will be at home. You just have to take care of the guards.
So who will be going among you
Jisoo : lisa is the best hacker among us, and she can easily deal with high tech security
Jin : so lisa and jk will be doing it
Jennie : ok we will be keeping an eye on you from afar. And we will also be in touch. Ok lisa ?
Lisa : sure
Jk : good for me

800 words

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