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After a week

Jennie's POV

BTS haven't came to college for a week, I know they need some Personal space but I am worried for them. It's already recess and me and my sister's went to cafetaria when I saw a note which said that the letter was to be given to Jennie. I was confused for a moment of who would possibly write a letter to me. Then I opened the letter and it says
"Hello jennie, it's me
I am waiting for you at our place "
After reading the phrase " our place " I definitely know who was the one to send me the letter and what does this person meant by " our place "
Suddenly a big smile appeared on my face and my sister's were looking at me worriedly
I looked back at them and gave a smile saying.
You guys can go to the cafetaria at your own I will meet you guys at home in evening

Saying that I left them confused and hurried to " our place "

As I reached their I saw someone familiar standing under the big tree waiting for me
" Taehyung..... "
V : I thought I was your Little V nini
He smiled slightly and suddenly pulled me to a hug
I..... I missed you so much nini. You know the day when I overheard you I thought that I was being played. I felt betrayed at that time
I don't know what do and I said things which hurted you. Nini I am sorry
Jennie : shhhhhh, how can you say sorry, I should be the one saying that dummy
You know you didn't appeared in college for a week I felt so worried for you I thought you will never forgive me I thought you will never want to see me again
V : Nini me and my brothers searched information about our parents , we found many secrets about him. Dad's company is also doing illegal stuff, he and mother have together done many bad things. Everything you said about them was true. Nini you were right RM hyung digged some information about them and you were right they were the one w-who killed your parents
I am so sorry Jennie, I am sorry. I am sorry you have gone through so much these years
I promise I will never be the reason to hurt you. Sorry nini. Please forgive me
V : Silly when was I angry from you . I was waiting for your answer for so long. You know I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you at first place. Because we thought that you would also be bad just like your parents
But the time I spent with you was the best time of my life. In mafia world we have worked mechanically with no emotions. But since I met you I have genuinely smiled. The day when you confessed me was the best day of my life
I always wanted to ask you
And then I got on my knee and said
V will you please accept me as your girlfriend I promise I will never break your trust again. Their will be no secrets between us . V -
Then he pulled me to a kiss and we both had a nice chat together about us when we were kids and life after that and everything
We spent great time with together and then I got a msg from jisoo unnie. Unnie invited BTS at our home for dinner tonight. And then me and v drove to our house
We had a great time during dinner. Lisa and jk also had cleared there conflict and now they are together, so as jin hyung and jisoo unnie
jimin and Rose doesn't even need a confession, it feels like they were always together
We were being a bit flirty during dinner and RM, suga and J-hope felt like a third wheel so they left early

656 words

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