Unknown Secrets pt 2

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At night
Jk's POV
Father left the home for a business dinner just like jisoo said
And me and lisa were ready for the act

At nightJk's POVFather left the home for a business dinner just like jisoo said And me and lisa were ready for the actLisa

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(N/A : I actually wanted to give them some bad guy vibes, so don't mind me )

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(N/A : I actually wanted to give them some bad guy vibes, so don't mind me )

We both entered father's house when the guard stopped us and said
Guard : hello Mr kim , your father is not at home right now.
Jk : so what can't I randomly come at my father's house .
Guard :  Sure, umm Mr kim who is the lady beside u
He said pointing at lisa.
Jk : my girlfriend, any problem. * He said giving a deadly look to the guard *
Guard : but mr kim your father don't allow any stranger at home in his absence
Jk : I will talk to my father myself, and besides my father have already met lisa. She is not a stranger she is like a family now. So u Don't have to bother.
Enough now I am going to my room with lisa, don't disturb us.
Then we both went to my room .
" Your father is really very cautious " lisa said
" I guess that's the first time the guards have questioned me " I said
" Do you think he is already suspicious of us " lisa asked
" I don't think maybe it's just because it's the first time I have brought someone home especially in his absence " I said
" Anyway what to do next " I asked lisa
" You will have to distract the guards who are standing outside your Father's room and I will go through this window " she said pointing on the window in my room
" Window ?" I asked
" Yeah, your room is the closest to your father's room so going through the window will be a better idea as for the CCTV camera in that room, unnies have take care of it " she said arranging her earpiece from which she will be connected thru her unnies
" Wouldn't it be dangerous " I asked worriedly
" No I have done much more dangerous tasks, going through the window is just a piece of cake for me
Now will u wear your earpiece or not, we have to get started we just have two hours "
" Ok " I wore my earpiece.
So I will do my task first. I walked outside the room ans went towards the guards.
" Hey both of you, who cleaned my room,. It's so dirty do u guys think that you can slack off from work so easily " I said in the most coldest tone possible
Guard : but Mr kim, it's not our job, cleaning your room is the cleaners job-
Jk : shut up , you really dared to speak back. Do u know I brought my girlfriend home and the room was so dirty. It was such an embarassment for me
Lisa's POV
As jk was busy distracting the guards I came inside hyun suk's room and carefully went to that secret room. It took me a fine minute to hack the security and open the door.
"it was just a piece of cake for me to open the door. I am just soo good". I said complimenting myself
" Will you stop with your compliments and focus on the work , we are running out of time " jennie unnie said
Then I walked through the passageway and entered the room

 I said complimenting myself " Will you stop with your compliments and focus on the work , we are running out of time " jennie unnie said Then I walked through the passageway and entered the room

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There were a numerous number of files. After 10 mins of searching I found a file which was titled as " mafia ".
I was about to open it when
" Lisa you have to come back fast, hyun suk left the business dinner and is returning back to his mansion, you have to hurry up or else he wil be suspicious of you guys " unnie said urging me.
" Just a min unnie I almost found what we are looking for " I replied her
I didn't have time to go through the file, so I quickly clicked photos from my phone
" Lisa come back he will reach their within 10 mins , we can come back again , we have already informed jk to go back to his room, there's no one distracting the guards now so u have to be extra careful "
" Yes unnie, I am going "
I quickly kept the file back and went out through the passage, I locked the door of the secret room and jumped through the window going back to Jk's room
Jk : let's go lisa
Lisa : I don't think we should go now, the guards would tell him about us and we leave suddenly now they will be even more suspicious of us
" Lisa is right, hyun suk has already reached the mansion, there's no way that you should leave the house now . Just spend the night there today and come back tomorrow " unnie said through the earpiece.
"Ok unnie see u guys tomorrow" I said hanging up the call and keeping back our earpiece.
Lisa : jk take off your shirt
Jk : w-why, lisa we are stucked in a serious situation. I don't think It's the right time to do this
Lisa : do as I said, jk hurry up
" Jk quickly take off his shirt" and then we both laid down on the bed covering ourselves with the blanket.
Lisa I : just keep up with the act
Jk : what ac-
Suddenly someone barged in our room. And he was no other than hyun suk
Jk : uhmm father what are u doing here, weren't u out for the business dinner. Well can you leave us alone, you see we are busy
And then hyun suk left the room without saying anything
Jk : how did u know that he will come
Lisa : he was cautious so he would obviously check on us.
Jk: oh and I thought
Lisa : you look handsome  * I said slightly blushing *
Jk : I know I am lily * he said smirking*
Lisa : y-you can put ur shirt back
Jk : so how r we going to sleep now* jk said putting back his shirt *
Lisa : just sleep however u want. I am sleepy anyway * she said lying down on the bed and putting the blanket on her.

The next day.
Lisa's POV
We both went back when hyun suk was still sleeping. And then we gathered at our house.
Jisoo : that was close yesterday
Jin : yeah I don't know what made father suspicious
Lisa : anyway I got founding some suspicious files last night, but I wasn't able to check it so I clicked it's photos through my phone
Let me share them to u
5 mins after reading the file
Jennie : w-what is this
Jisoo : I -I have no idea
Rosè : it says that hyun suk is also a mafia
Our parents belong to mafia world before they met. They were mafia's before . They both were rivals back then and hyun suk was our father's most trusted man and also his best friend. Later they met in a mission where there mission was to kill each other . But they eventually fell in love during their mission. Later they got married and had jisoo unnie. But they don't want us to live in the mafia , they want us to have a normal life, so they came back to live in the normal world . But our parents enemy from the mafia world offered hyun suk a large sum of money and a powerful position in the mafia world. And hyun suk agreed and joined hands with them to kill our parents.
Lisa : this all makes sense now, I have always wondered why hyun suk wanted to kill our parents, they didn't have any grudges with each other before.
Rosè : And the person who offered hyun suk money was no other then red velvet's father. Since then they have been good friends
Jisoo : Red velvet had been powerful just because of their father's power and wealth. But recently their father died due to his health problem.
Jennie : And this was a perfect opportunity for hyun suk to kill them and capture their territory and wealth.

Lisa : he have not only killed red velvet but he has also killed many small mafia grp and normal people throughout the years.
And now he has one of the most powerful territory in the mafia world
Junkook : I still don't get it, he already has so much wealth and power now, what else does he wants ?
Jisoo : his actual goal must be to be the mafia king
Jennie : but no one knows who we are except........ 
"THE BIG THREE  " the four of us said in sync

To be continued .......
Who do u guys think big three are, and how are they related to bp
1435 words

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