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1 week later

Lisa's POV
It's been 1 week since we visited jeon hyun suk. And u know we didn't get a chance to meet their mother, I want to tell u we will actually never have a chance to meet her.

I was getting ready bcoz I have a date with jk. And I know what's going to happen later

Time skip to 2 hours
At park
We have a date on a park, we were having great time and he was telling that his mother will return from the business trip today, and he is planning our meeting for tomorrow ( and I obviously know that, that day will never come
And then suddenly jk got a call

🗣️ : Hello Mr Jeon I am asked to inform you that your mother's private here crashed on her way to Seoul and I am sorry to say but your mother died on the spot........ And she is no more.

After hanging up the call jk went blank and tears start forming in his eyes. I already knew the reason of his sudden change of reaction because.....we were the one who caused this accident, to be precise who planned this accident
The next moment tears start falling on the ground I was watching him with no expression, I don't know why but I was feeling bad for him, because I know the feeling of losing someone. I knew that I was the reason of his pain
I don't know what to do I Just can't watch him in pain, I - I don't know.....why , but at this moment I just want to do something to ease his pain so I just pulled him for a hug and he hugged me back tightly and let all his pain out, he was crying, tears were dripping on the ground and then he spoke
Jk : l-lisa, mo-mom she.....she i-is no mo-
And then I interrupted him
" Shhhhhh, jk....i-its alright..... please stop crying..... I-i can't see u in this state, jk everyone is meant to come and go in this world, everyone will have to leave this world one day. But u have to take care of yourself.....jk, jk
Jk are y-you l-listening "

Suddenly Jk collapsed on the ground.

An hour later
We all were including bts and my sister's in the hospital as jk collapsed due to the sudden news of his mother's death
The maknae line were still not in there best state whereas the elder ones were trying there best to look fine from outside so they can atleast take care of their younger brothers but they were obviously not well too
Jk is the youngest of them and he have been loved the most in his family, and he have some sort of special connection with his mother so he can't take the news, it was too much for him that's why he collapsed and now is in the hospital

Next day
All of us are currently attending BTS mother's funeral there were a lot of powerful people, BTS were still not looking fine. But that hyun suk didn't seem to care at all, he was still talking about business with those powerful people. Tbh it looks more like a business meeting than a funeral

1 week later

It took them a week to finally accept the news, and now they finally appeared in the college
I tried to cheer up jk and finally saw him slightly smiling. It was a big relief for me
I don't know why but I was feeling guilty but not for killing his mom, I was feeling guilty because I was the reason of his state

Thank you sooo much to everyone who have been reading my story we have overall 97 readers right now, I am soo excited to hit hundred. It's the first time my story have got recognition and I am soo happy
I just want to say that as I have mentioned earlier I want to make this story not too long nor too short so I will try to sum up everything as short as possible bcoz longer stories are quite boring ( but of course u can drop ur opinions too ) . And I am looking forward for some ideas from u all because I am currently out of ideas I don't want to disappoint to everyone who is reading my story
I am also trying to update on it frequently so thank u for waiting for my story updates and u guys in next part

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