Jirose ,Jinsoo And Taennie

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Rosè's POV

Me and jimin are going on a date together, its nothing much
We are just going to the amusement park. It's mainly Bcoz of me, it's because I remember I have only went to the theme park once with my parents when I was very young. So I urged jimin to go to the amusement park with me.

So jimin picked me up and oh my gosh he was looking soooooooo handsome and cute. No wonder he is so popular among girls in our school. But poor girls now jiminy is only mine

 But poor girls now jiminy is only mine

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Jimin : Rosè

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Jimin : Rosè......
Rosè : huh...
Jimin : You know I saw a beautiful flower on my way and there it was the most beautiful thing for me.......... until I saw you

Ahhhhhuehehuhns.. why the hell is this guy so good in flirting.
My cheeks turned as red as a tomato
Jimin : awww my baby is blushin~~~~
Rosè : You better stop with your flirting or you will have to pay for it next time
Jimin : I am willing to accept any punishment from you........babe ~~~

My heart was beating crazily at this moment
Rosè : I -
Jimin : fine I will stop * He said giggling *
Rosè : you really enjoy to tease me huh * I said while sitting on the co-driver seat *
Jimin : it's just that you look soo beautiful while blushing
Rosè : fineew, let's go

To the amusement park * we both said in a sync and started giggle *

Later we reached the amusement park , we took soo many rides and guess what before going to the amusement park we both made a bet on who will be the first one to get motionsickness after the rides and jimin was the first one to get motionsicken. He just gave up really very fast. So we decided on to stop for the rides for now and we both just took a walk until jimin felt better
Rosè : I told you I would win but you still insisted on the bet
Jimin : ok ok you won , so what-
Then I noticed his shoelaces were loosened so I bend down to tie his shoelaces
Jimin : Rosè you don't have to-
Rosè : shhhhhh, babe........... I don't want you to fall for anybody else
Jimin : I- * he turned red before he could say anything else *
Rosè : ohhh my gosh, did I finally made my baby blush

Later that day as we were done with the rides amd amusement park, we went to have our dinner together at a nearby restaurants

Jisoo's POV
Earlier in the morning

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