Prologue: Chapter 5 - Blood and Dust

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V drove for two hours circling rock spires, avoiding canyons and washes, and desperately searching for a place that would suit her needs. There was no thought of the coyotes. V knew that on her way back to the clan she would be able to easily find and slay the pack, so her story would stay intact. What she really needed was safe haven, however, and she was beginning to tremble with frustration and fear, fingers barely able to curl around the steering wheel. Jake was dying, getting tossed around in her trunk and bleeding, and she couldn't find anywhere that would guarantee their safety while they did the surgery. 

After another half an hour V found herself on a long, flat plain; probably a dry lakebed. The Galena rumbled on obediently, the soothing drone of the engine doing nothing to help V's agitation. She felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack, the fear that Jake was dying and that she'd stop and open the trunk to see his eyes glazed over and mouth slack. 

V squeezed her eyes shut then, breathing ragged, teeth grinding so hard they hurt.

Her mind flashed back to Freddy. Dead Freddy.

No! NO!

V actually cried out with alarm; but then something happened. The drone of the engine and crunch of the dry dirt under the car's tires faded somewhat. A strange feeling of peace fell over V, and it felt almost as if time slowed. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't.

A memory. Freddy, kneeled by V's side, both of them facing a small rock alcove. A rough, hand carved cross made of soapstone leaned slightly in the small space, a tiny candle made of old tinning wax burning. Freddy looked over and smiled at V.

Okay V, now repeat after me...

Our Father, who art in heaven...

V's lips murmured the prayer silently, and upon saying "Amen", her eyes flew open.

They were at the other edge of the lakebed now. Somehow V'd managed to travel that far and not crash or lose control of the car. Everything felt so loud all of a sudden, so bright. V shook her head and blinked, trying to get her bearings again after the strange incident.

It was then she noticed a tall plateau in front of her; and what looked like the entrance to a cave set in the rock almost a story up. Something in the back of her mind told her that she'd found a place of safety, finally. V swallowed and glanced up at the sky.

Freddy had taught her that prayer long ago, when she was about five. He'd have her say it each night before bed, but told her not to say it to the other kids or in front of anyone. V didn't know why; she didn't have much of a concept or understanding of what Freddy was doing. She didn't know what "God" was. Even to this day she wasn't sure how to feel about the small things Freddy taught her. She clung to them, however, if anything out of a strange mix of comfort and rebellion. The clan didn't like her and Freddy anyway; so doing the things Freddy taught her not only connected her with him, but it was also another finger flipped to the family that ostracized them.

But even beyond that...there had been too many times now that V had muttered that prayer, only to find herself where she needed to be.

V arced around the plateau, examining it and the surrounding area. She and Jake might as well have been on another planet the area was so isolated. Not even animals were around, though that was probably because they were scared off by the sound of V's car. V knew that they wouldn't have to worry about human animals as well, as she'd pushed deeper into the heart of the wasteland that had once been the center of the old United States of America. She and Jake would be alone, free to work without distraction or danger.

Plus, in their isolation, no one would hear Jake screaming in pain.

V eventually pulled up to the base of the plateau, on the same side as the cave she'd seen in the distance. Carefully slowing and engaging the parking brake, she turned and called out to the back of the car.

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