Chapter 16: A Tough Lesson

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V called Jackie and let him know what was going on. He said he was on his way, then muttered something in Spanish under his breath. It almost sounded like, "this damn cobra and her strays" followed by the crunch cardboard and clinking bottles; then he hung up. About twenty minutes later he quickly rounded the corner of the alleyway that lead to Misty's shop, probably having taken a taxi to get there so fast. Jackie's face was grim, but his features melted into a comforting smile when he saw V. She was still standing outside, leaning against the dirty concrete wall. Judging by the expression on Jackie's face, she knew she was in for another lecture.

After Jackie poked his head in and nodded to Misty, who was still consoling Lia, he glanced at V.

"Man, am I hungry! Had to cancel my Buck-A-Slice delivery when you called." He rubbed his stomach. "Whaddya say we grab ourselves a couple of nice greasy scop paddies, eh? Come on!"

Jackie gestured for her to follow, turning and shoving his hands in his pockets and whistling like he didn't have a care in the world. All for show. All to put V at ease. He'd buy them some burgers and fries that the burger join claimed were made out of "potatoes" but tasted more like thick buttery wax, then when V was relaxed he'd finally hit her with it.

V caught up to Jackie, hands shoved into her own pockets, silently falling in step as her hair slid over her face. She accepted her fate. Jackie was loud and amiable, bursting through the neon pink doors and waving to the line cook, Fred.

"Ayyee the Fredster himself! Two of the usual, chico! And a couple of yellow monkeys!" (Yellow monkeys being Jackie's code for Spunky Munky).

A lemonade instead of a beer? Ohhhhhhh V was really in for it this time. 

V munched on her burger in silence. Jackie practically inhaled his burger and slurped down the fries before she was halfway through. After licking his fingers he gulped down the Spunky Munky, setting the empty can down hard on the table with a sigh of satisfaction.

And now the lecture.

"I can tell by the way you're lookin' at me all puppy-eyed that ya know what I'm gonna say," Jackie said suddenly. V swallowed down the chunk of burger in her mouth and nodded.

Jackie sighed, then leaned forward, planting his forearms on the table.

"If ya know what I'm gonna say, then why are we sittin' in this scop joint again, huh? Look, I like to help people as much as the next person-but ya can't get tangled up with the gangs, V. Like I said before, they're dangerous motherfuckers, and-"

V set her half-eaten burger down before interrupting him.

"They aren't with the gangs, Jackie. They may look and sound it but they ain't with the Mox. Lia wouldn't go anywhere near Lizzie's when I suggested it, and I realized somethin' the hell were the Tyger Claws that far into Mox territory and able to get away with harassin' some of their own? Conclusion - the group of girls weren't Moxes. They didn't have any protection. Easy pickin's for some horny, blood-hungry Claws."

Jackie sighed patiently, like V was a little kid who still wasn't quite getting it. The sound of it made her teeth grit.

"V, I don't mean just the Mox-I mean the Tyger Claws too. Remember Wako? Our main fixer? The one with the flowin' eddies and the juicy gigs? We can't afford to be pissin' her off. She finds out that you're out there killin' her boys? Could mean trouble for us." 

V fidgeted in her seat, arms coming up to cross at her chest even as she felt herself shrink in a little.

"I don't care," she said softly. 

Jackie sighed and tried to speak again, but he paused when V's quiet voice continued.

"Jackie, they...they weren't doin' anything. They were just hangin' in the alley. Not botherin' anyone, not doin' anything. And these Claws just fucking...zeroed two of them. Blasted them away like they were nothing. Two human beings...gone. For no fucking reason." 

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