It's a bit sad now, isn't it. Trying to swim up on the icy surface, but a tied rope around your leg is pulling you forcefully down to the bottom. At this point you don't know what is sinking faster, your heart or your body?
You keep telling yourself that it's not your fault. It's them. Not you. They are the ones who made you like this, remember?
Because of them, anxiety is your best friend. You started counting your breaths. You started speaking to the mirror things that you don't believe in.
And just a reminder while you are there, underwater, try to breathe (as ironic as that may sound). You're not going to drown. You will find clarity and you will easily untangle that knot of rope from your leg. You will float to the surface, will raise above it. You will be free.
Stream of thoughts flowing in blank space
PoetrySome thoughts shouldn't get lost in the echo of the blank nothingness.