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It's the day of her graduation ceremony and Batoul could not contain her excitement. She could not believe she was done with Med school. 6 years "no be beans". All those sleepless nights studying are over, till daybreak is no more a thing, for now. But the real test is just starting. It is 7 am and she has just finished getting ready for the ceremony. She wore a beautiful emerald green dress with a matching turban under her graduation gown. She decided to put on very little amount of makeup. One was because she was not a fan, and the second was because of the heat in Abuja. She didn't want to be sweating like a Christmas goat.

She finished up with pearl earrings and a necklace, spritzed her favorite perfume, and walked out of the room. She went to the living room where she met her father eating breakfast while scrutinizing the Thisday paper in front of him. She squatted and greeted him. "Jam Banduna, Daddy."

He looked up from the newspaper he was reading. "Jam Alhamdulillah, Fadima. I see you're ready. Leaving so soon?"

She nodded. "Yes Daddy, we need to be at the school a few hours before the event starts for pictures and commencement procedures."

"Okay, mashallah. I am so proud of you. I know your mother would be proud too. Allah yafu mo, Allah ya mata rahma." They both muttered an 'Amin' before she stood up. "I should get going Daddy. Se to on wari, (Sai kun zo)"

Batoul got out of the house and went to the parking lot where Mallam Isa was by the car waiting for her. "Jam banduna, Mallam Isa." The elderly man stood up from his sitting position on the wooden bench and unlocked the car. "Jam Alhamdulillah, Hajiya Batoul."

She opened the passenger door and got in. After strapping her seatbelt, they pulled out of the lot and out of the house. She really couldn't believe the day was here. She has graduated from university and survived 6 years of medical school.

They arrived at the Nile University of Nigeria in about 20 minutes. There was a bit of traffic on the way but they managed to maneuver through, hence they arrived at 8:40. The graduation ceremony starts at 10:00 am. As he drops her in the school compound, Mallam Isa leaves the university to go back home. He was supposed to bring Ammi and the rest of her siblings later on when the event started.

She met her friend Ummita at the entrance of the hall where the pictures of the graduates were being taken. "Look how lovely you look, Batoul. I don't think I've ever seen you with makeup."

Batoul gave her a toothy smile embracing her new smile without the braces. "Thank you Ummita, you look stunning too." She complimented her friend. Ummita complimented her dentition as this was the first time they were meeting after Batoul got her braces removed. Ummita was dressed in a beautiful black fitted dress, with a matching black turban, her makeup beautifully done by no doubt a talented artist.

Hours later, the ceremony ended. Batoul got her certificate and swore the Hippocratic oath. Everyone was so proud of her as she graduated with a distinction in MBBS. That is hard to achieve, but she did it nonetheless.

At 2 pm, the Modibbo family gathered in a restaurant called 'Cilantro' at Maitama for a graduation lunch in honor of Batoul. Daddy and Ammi are also in attendance, including Batoul's maternal Uncle, Yusuf.

Maijiddah ordered a cake for the graduation Lunch,  from one of Batoul's favorite baker 'The Artisan Pastries'. All her siblings got her different types of thoughtful gifts for her graduation. They also contributed and got her a new phone, the latest iPhone. The grandest of them all was Daddy's gift. Her dear father bought a car for her, as she's to start going to work soon and also to show that he was very proud of her.

Their table was a bit chatty as they were having a good time and enjoying their Indian food. Baby Mihrimah started making a fuss so Batoul offered to take her while Maijiddah had something to eat. Batoul stares adoringly at her niece, who has grown quite a bit, which makes her think about her own kids. The kids she hoped to have with Bashir. She blushed at that thought.

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