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Batoul groaned and checked her wrist watch for the third time, standing under the scorching sun of Abuja. "What is taking Mallam Isa so long?" She muttered under her breath.

"You know, you would have been at home by now if you hadn't turned down Dr Mukhtar's offer." Her friend, Ummita said.

She ignored and rolled her eyes at, she dialed Mallam Isa, her driver's number but he didn't pick up. She's sure he is running errands for Ammi, her stepmom.

"I'm calling Uber, I promised Adda Jiddus I would be there before Maghreb." She said with a sigh. Just as she opened the Uber app, she heard the familiar honk of their 2019 Honda Accord.

Ummita hummed. "Mallam Isa is in trouble today." Batoul playfully eyes her friend. "Come let's drop you at home, or are you going to pick up Meena first?"

She nodded. "I'll be going to pick her up from school now, she's finishing her lectures at five"

"Okay, see you on Monday inshallah. My regards to Mama please." Batoul said and entered the car.

As she closed the door, Mallam isa started apologizing. "Wadu mu'nyel Hajiya Batoul, I was running an errand for Hajiya"

She smiled, masking her annoyance. "It's okay Mallam Isa, please take me to Adda Maijiddah's house." She was packed as it was a Friday, hence her excitement. Since their mom passed away eight years ago, her siblings; Sakina, Halima, Maijiddah and their brother Sadiq have been her backbone.

They arrived at Adda Maijiddah's house in Apo Zone E. She got out of the car, Mallam Isa helped her with her suitcase to the front door. She knocked twice before Adda Maijiddah's maid, Saratu, opened the door for her. The cold breeze of AC and the amazing scent of turaren wuta welcomed her. Adda Maijiddah makes turaren wuta and other Scentsations. She owns a brand called 'Scentsations spa'

"Aunty Lulu, welcome." Saratu beamed, happily. She loves it when Batoul visits, their almost age mates with only a few months apart.

"Thank you Saro, where is Adda Jiddus? And please stop with the 'Aunty', you're making me feel old." She smiled.

"She is upstairs, let's go." Saro said, carrying Batoul's suitcase. They went upstairs where they met Adda Jiddus in the living room, laying on couch.

"Adda Jiddus, Jam banduna" Batoul greeted her sister excitedly, reaching for a hug.

"Jam Lulu, Noi a woni?" Jiddus asks, hugging her sister back with her huge belly on the way.

"Jam Alhamdulillah."

"Mido nana velo (I am hungry), I'm just coming from the hospital."

"You are lucky, we cooked tuwon shinkafa and miyan taushe today." Adda Jiddus said.

"Perfect, Alhamdulillah!"

"I just finished speaking with Adda Sakina."

"How was she? We haven't talked in a while." Batoul replies.

"She's holding up, she said she's better. Alhamdulillah."

Adda Sakina is the firstborn, she's been married for almost ten years, lives in kaduna, but Allah hasn't blessed her with children. Every time she gets pregnant, it turns into a miscarriage. Adda Halima on the other hand is happily married to her husband Abubakar, they have an adorable five year old son, Aslam. They also live in Abuja.

Batoul went to the room to freshen up before eating lunch. She took her bath and got dressed in a simple blue and yellow fabric boubou. All she wears are boubou, gowns and Abayas.

She came out all dressed and freshened up, she went downstairs to the kitchen where she met the famous 'Maduujo' who was Adda Jiddus' nanny since she was a child and now helps her cook. She moved in with Adda Jiddus when she got married. She's been like a mother to them all.

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