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P.s. this is one of my favorite chapters🥹

2 months later.

As 1 o'clock nears, Batoul exited the hospital building and headed towards her car. She unlocked it and entered, sighing, she turned on the ignition and began to drive out of the hospital compound. Tami's call came in, and it automatically connected to the car's Bluetooth. They chatted a bit and drifted into the deal of the day. "So how do you feel about it? Aside from the obvious that you are happy, deep down how do you feel?" Tami asked.

"Honestly, Tami, I am so exhausted from work now, I cannot even think straight right now. For all I know I am so nervous and edgy" Batoul replied reluctantly.

She was so exhausted, she had a long day at the hospital. She was on call last night and she's just leaving now. Thankfully she was off duty tomorrow, she could use the rest.

"See you later then, baby girl," Tami said as they said bye and ended the call.

Batoul's heart kept beating so fast, she kept muttering Duas to calm her down. She smiled as she realized what was happening that day. Bashir's family is coming over for the Tambaya and kawo kudin aure. About a month ago, they came for gaisuwa. Today, however, they'll be making it official by setting the wedding date. Later during the week, the ladies in the groom's family will be bringing the engagement kola nuts and traditional sweets and gifts.

As she reached the gate of her family home, she took a deep breath before driving inside after exchanging pleasantries with their gateman of almost fifteen years.

She got out and locked her car, she could see Adda Jiddus car in the parking lot. She went inside through the back door, hoping not to meet Ammi but unfortunately, luck was not on her side today. Ammi was seated on a traditional wooden chair in the kitchen bossing her two maids around.

"Jam Bandu na, Ammi." Batoul greeted her stepmom. The woman answered her dismissively. Batoul was not surprised one bit, luckily the woman did not even insult her or her mother today. Batoul nodded and headed up to her room, she was sure her sisters were there too. She tiredly walked up the stairs, finally reaching her room, she entered with a salam. Not to her surprise, Adda Maijiddah and Adda Sakina were there with baby Mihrimah in Adda keeks' arms, sleeping.

"Here comes our soon-to-be Amarya." Teased Adda Sakina.

Batoul blushed. "Please don't start, Adda. Where's Mama Leema?"

Maijiddah and Sakina chuckled. "She's on her way, Mallam Isa went to pick her up, and she stopped to get the small chops," Maijiddah replied and Batoul nodded.

"Well, let me go and shower." She said as she got up and started removing her scrub. She walked to her bathroom and had a very relaxing shower. She took her time to scrub up all the tiredness smell she was feeling and the hospital smell.

She came out to an empty room several minutes later. She realized that her sisters had gone downstairs to start preparing for the guests they were receiving later on. Her heart skipped at the thought of that. She can't believe she's going to be engaged to Bashir in a few hours. She shook away the thoughts and proceeded to get dressed. She wore one of her comfortable Boubou. She put on her long hijab and prayed zuhr. As she was reciting her Duas, Adda Jiddus came into the room. "Don't tell me you're wearing that?"

Batoul looked down at her black with tiny red mushrooms boubou. "I am, why?" Batoul is so comfortable in her clothes that does not see it as a non-fit cloth for this occasion.

Maijiddah palmed her face. "You're not serious, Haba Lulu, wear something presentable mana." She said opening Batoul's wardrobe. She started going through Batoul's clothes searching for a 'presentable' outfit for her sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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