The fall into the past (Chapter 1)

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Declynn's POV
My head was spinning like crazy all I remember was bubba Jin teaching me some magic spells to use when I don't have my staff or when I'm alone then we started falling. I hear bubba groaning from the fall we landed in a forest not to far from the city but the city looks different I tell bubba "Bubba the city looks different."Bubba then says "Yeah your right sunset. OMG I know where we are well actually it's more like when we are. we're in the past."Then I said actually more like shouted "What do you think we can find out how and why my biological family disappeared to when I was a newborn."Bubba said "Maybe we will anyway we need to wear some glaremours while we are in the past and we don't say are last names or anything about the future and the timeline will stay in tact maybe Timetraval is not an exact science."Me and Bubba put on some glamours and walk out of the forest and into the city my stomach starts to growl from hunger we head to piggy's noodle shop to get some food to eat and maybe get directions to a place to stay at so we can figure out a way to get back to our time and maybe find out who or what caused my biological family to disappeared. We enter piggy's noodles me and Bubba Jin see all of my  biological family me and Bubba order our food we sat at a booth to eat our food and a guy he kinda Reminds me of Big brother Yin by how he is dressed so the guy finally got over to our table and started asking us random questions but we gave him our answers to his questions.He said "Sorry I forget to introduce myself hi my name is Tang it's nice to meet you and what are your names?" I said" hello my name is Declynn parkson and the person sitting in front of me is one of my Big brothers bubba Jim (Jin) say hi Bubba." Then Bubba Jin says to Mr. Tang " Hello I'm Jim it's nice to meet you Tang."

Ok I'm going to end this chapter right here I hopped you enjoyed this chapter have a good morning,day, afternoon and a good night bye bye my younglings

Word count:401

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