👾👾The arcade (Chapter3)👾👾

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Declynn's POV
I follow MK and after a couple minutes we get to the arcade where his friend is at I whispered out loud to myself "Please don't be someone evil." MK must have heard me somehow because he said to me "Don't worry Declynn Mei is super fun, kind, and not evil like a villain unless someone hurts her friends." I grabbed his hand because I'm super excited and nervous to meet her. We walked to where Mei wanted us to meet her at in the arcade when me and MK got there Mk point towards Mei. The girl waved at us but most likely Mk and ran over to us I quickly hide behind Mk and I was still holding his hand then MK said "Hey Mei this is Declynn the new friend I told you about.*whispers to Declynn* Declynn she's not going to hurt you ok so do you think you can introduce yourself to Mei. Then I said " Sup my name is Declynn just like MK said it is. It's nice to meet you Mrs.Mei I hope you and I can be friends." Then she said "Hello Mk and Declynn it's nice to meet you and yes I would like to be friends with you."

After a long time playing games at the arcade with Mei.

Me and MK head back to Piggy's noodles to go to sleep for tomorrow morning. I was woken up by Mk he was super excited for some reason I turn to look at my alarm clock and it reads 5:00 AM I turned back to Mk and whispered yelled " What the fuck Mk it's 5 IN THE MORNING ON A WORK DAY." Mk then said "You and me have a order and this the time they ordered it at so Pigsy made the person's order so you and I have to deliver it to their address ok." then I said "Fine but you owe my big time sir." So we get ready to work today when we're done getting ready we get in the delivery cart and head to the address my extra ears that are hidden because of my glamour pick up the sounds of one set of wings flapping behind us. Halfway to the address Mk and I put are headphones on and put our own playlist on to listen to so we get to the address we get out of the cart I see we are at a abandoned construction site *that's a little weird.* I say to myself in my mind we get into an elevator I push the down button me and MK start descending down. We get to the bottom MK dances out of the elevator and I walk out right behind him I look around us and a see a orange bird staring at us it turns to watch us as we keep walking/dancing forward then we started to fall down me and Mk grab onto the pipes to stop ourselves from falling to our deaths. Then the bird I saw started to poke at Mk's hand and Mk fell and then I fell down to Mk then said while I was holding the order "Did someone order some n- noodles from Piggy's noodles." Then a robot with horns walked up to me while Mk saw monkie king's staff on the hill top the robot named Robert paid for his food and walked off. Next thing I know is Mk grabs the back of my shirt collar and was running from someone yelling at him and we get back outside to the chart and Mk starts driving like a bat out of hell when I look behind us I see a boy with fire looking hair and he looks familiar to me and I can't remember why.
Hi sorry I haven't posted in awhile I've been busy with school, Cookie season for girl scouts, and Doing Spring cleaning. Anyway I hoped y'all enjoyed this Chapter till we meet again bye-bye

Word count: 674

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