A glimpse into the future

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Yin's POV
It's been awhile since I last heard from Declynn and my brother also now that I think about it they should have been back home two weeks ago or I could be overthinking because Jin said to me that their training might be a lot long then planned and not to panic "Hey have you guys heard from Declynn and Jin." I got a bunch of no's and nopes so I said "Everyone to the T.E.A 2.0 we are going to find them" we are half way to their last to known location when Jamie got a video text from Declynn the video plays we see Declynn and Jin Declynn starts to speak and she said " Hey guys I hope this text got to you anyway me and bubba are in the past somehow please do not come after us we're trying to figure out how to get back to our time. So if you guys go to the 2nd apartment in pigsy's noodles in the second bedroom on the floor in the closet there is a box of stuff from the past please look at that stuff and keep it I'll be added more to is as time goes on here in the past ok Love you guys and my cousins stay out of trouble and don't get yourselves killed also behave yourself even though I'm not there I expect you to be on your best behavior ok bye you guys got to go also don't tell Luca that I'm in the past please." Then the video ended and I drive us back to pigsy's noodles and go to the second apartments second bedroom closet and grabbed the box and emptied it out.

Thank you guys for reading my story I hoped you enjoyed this Chapter bye bye my moonlights

Word count:306

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