Being chased by Redson (Chapter 4)

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Mk grabs the back of my shirt collar and was running from someone yelling at him and we get back outside to the chart and Mk starts driving like a bat out of hell when I look behind us I see a boy with fire looking hair and he looks familiar to me and I can't remember why.
Declynn's POV
Wait oh my God he is Redson/My other bio dad well fuck we're done good bye world it was nice to meet you I remember him from my story books about monkie kid, monkie kid, and all of their friends adventures if I remember correctly at the end of the Redson chapter in the book it said " Then the mighty Redson fall in love with the monkie kid and they lived happily ever after and all of the realms get to live in peace and harmony for now." I recited in my head so we are driving away from where we delivered the noodle order anyway Redson is right behind us and I'm driving the cart super fast to get away from Redson because I'm not ready to die yet so MK used the staff and we started to drive/jump on roofs of buildings I then say " MK where are we going and why is this staff so important to that guy and the big bull guy?" Then he said " One we are going to pigsy's and Two because Monkie king shield The demon bull King away several centuries ago to stop him from destroying the world and ruling it." Then I said " oh ok that's cool."

(Time Skip)

We finally got to pigsy's after Mei got Redson to go away we all enter the restaurant and Mk starts to explain what happen to us after pigsy asked why he got zero stars reviews online Then MK brushed Pigsy off and I apologize for making him get the zero stars reviews and I told them all about what had happened to us today. Then Mk shows monkie king's staff to them and Mr.Tang said " Now Declynn, MK that is not monkie king's staff." Then the staff moved on it's own and broke one of the tables in the restaurant Mr.Tang then got all monkie king fan nerdy on the staff he then said " We need to go to flower fruit mountain to give the staff back to monkie king then he can seal the Demon Bull King away again." Next thing I know is we are going to one of pigsy's old friend who has a boat and from what he said about how scary his friend is in the past because in my book which I'm reading on the way there says "Sandy is a really tall blue water spirit with orange hair in a mohawk hairstyle same with his cat mo and Sandy has a lot of therapy cats,he loves tea and will only fight to protect his friends and family no matter what and he has a big heart." MK, Mei and Bubba are scared of Sandy I walk up to him and introduce myself to him " Hello my name is Declynn what's yours." Then he said " Hi my name is Sandy it's nice to meet you." Then I asked since no one else was talking and using the manners they all have " Same I was wondering if you could sail us to flower fruit mountain to save our homes but you don't have to if can't help us it's fine." Sandy then said " I'll sail you guys there and I'll help you save guys your homes." We all get on the boat and Mk tells him which direction to go after an hour or so Sandy stops the boat saying " This is as far as the boat can go." Me and MK said " That's ok Sandy thank you for helping us." Pigsy, Tang, Mei and Bubba stay on the boat. MK then asked Sandy if he could throw us to the beach and Sandy nodded his head yes then he through us at the beach.

After walking for an hour and a half

We get to the secret waterfall entrance to the home of the monkie king/my grandpa Sunny MK parted the waterfall long enough for us to go inside the little cave behind the water and we start walking again then I see two butterflies a orange one and a purple one the orange one lands on Mk's hand who a couple feet away from me while the purple one lands on my hand the orange one starts speaking to Mk and Mk screams and steps on it. It glows and turns into the Monkie King and the purple one changes into the six-eared macaque I bow to both of them while Mk is geeking out I walk over to him grab by his ear and tell him to apologize for hitting the Monkie King and Mk apologize then he explains what's going on I watch to see what their reactions are they both say "Yeah we know we've been watching you two." I thought that was weird so I said "So you know what's going on and you didn't think to come and contact him?!" They both said " Yeah we guess we should of done that but didn't."

Hey sorry I didn't post more I've had to go to A lot of my family members funerals so I hope you had a good time reading this if your still reading it that is bye bye

Word count:929

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