Panicked Husband

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Luca's POV
I'm doing my patrol of the Celestial realms so then I can head home and see my Beautiful wife Declynn.

My phone goes off it's from Yin it's a text that says "Luca don't panic but Declynn is in the past but she's not alone she's with Jin so she'll be fine and because she's a fighter."

I start to panic a little bit then I text him "What do you mean she's in the past!?!" He then sends him a video (The same video from the last chapter that's about the story line) "Ok so she's fine and has a plan that's good" I said still I hope that she will be ok.

I head to me and Declynn's apartment that's not to far from pigsy's noodles I do my nightly routine like normal and then I go to sleep.

{In his dream}

I'm walking with Declynn on flower fruit mountain and she says "I love you Luca" Then the sky became a Evil glow of blue and Declynn looks as well as sounds like the Laby bone demon I tried to snap Declynn out of it but I couldn't do it. Declynn Starts to destroy the world and I try to stop her as I try to remind her who she really is but then Declynn says "The Declynn you love is no more and this is your world's fate because humans made this planet a dieing planet!!" Then i get hit with a blast of magic from her.

{When he wakes up}

Sorry that this is short

Word Count: 265

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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