The small webs of lies (chapter 2)

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Declynn's POV
I normally don't like lying to people at all but I don't have a choice right now Big brother Yin please forgive me for lying but it's to keep the timeline from destroying it's self and any one who is in it. So Mr.Tang offered us a place to stay after I told him a lie about our house getting destroyed in a fire awhile back and he fell for it then he said " you can stay in our 2nd apartment we've been trying to rent it out to someone and looks like fate and luck brought you here haha." After he finished telling us where we'll be staying at me and Bubba went inside the apartment. Me and Bubba go to a clothing store and buy some clothes for us to wear while in the past. We have Pigsy's noodles for dinner then we went to bed after we did are bed time routine.

In the morning

We wake up and Bubba makes breakfast for us and he made scrambled eggs and toast my favorite breakfast combo. I eat all of it up then head down to restaurant to start working I asked Pigsys if I could work for him and he said yes surprisingly. So now me and Mk are doing deliveries today we got to this one house it was covered in vines from a type of plant. We walk up to the front door I had to knock because MK was worried that he'd drop the order. Then the door opened a little old lady was at the door we gave her food she paid us but then she looked me and MK up and down then her eyes caught on to our buttons my genderfluid and ace buttons and MK's transgender button. Then she started to yell at us for being " broken, filthy sinners, fagots." as she said that. We left her house after she slammed her front door shut in our faces and we headed to do the rest of the deliveries

A couple hours later

We finished all the deliveries right now MK is driving us back to pigsy's noodles MK park the delivery cart in it parking spot then me and him enter the restaurant we both say " Hello/Hi Mr./Pigsys we finished all the deliveries." Pigsys waved at us because he was to busy cleaning the kitchen and restaurant I grabbed MK'S wrist and took him to my room in the apartment so we could talk. I said " MK what all those homophobic people said is not true. You and I are not anything they said ok you and I are who we are meant to be as long as we know that and fight to keep it that way we will always be who we truly meant to be ok MK?" Mk then replied " Yeah Declynn you are right we are who we are meant to be." Then MK hugs me and I hug him back he gets a text from someone and then he asks me " Do you want to go hang out with me and my best friend Mei?" Then I said " Sure." So we change our clothes and meet down stairs because I don't know where this Mei is at so yeah.

🍭Ok so I'm going to end this chapter here sorry it took me awhile to get this chapter finished so I hope you enjoyed this till we meet again also Happy holidays and happy New year bye bye everyone.🍭

Word count:590

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