Chapter 13

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Blair sat on her couch, a cup of hot chocolate in her hand and a blanket on her lap. She was watching A Walk to Remember and was crying her eyes out. Landon was explaining the rest of their summer and Jaime died. Blair reached for the tissue box when her phone rang. She sighed, paused the movie, and answered.


"Blair," she heard Dex desperately say. "I need you."

"Wait, I thought you said-"

"Blair. Please. My office."

"Okay. Just let me get dressed."

"Just come in sweats for all I care. We need to talk about something."

Blair agreed and said she'd be there in ten. She lived five minutes away from work, but she needed to fix her makeup and hair, at least a bit, and throw on some jeans.

She arrived at the office in her flared jeans, her black flats, and a Rolling Stones tee shirt. She braced herself for whatever Dex was about to tell her. Her heart sped up at the thought of him.

She knocked on her office door. "Dex?"

He opened it, exasperated. She wasn't used to this side of the thirty-one year old. "Blair. Come in."

"Yes, sir." She entered and heard the door behind her shut close. She looked over at Dex and waited for him to say something. When he didn't, she decided that she should say something. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Your presence soothes me," he admitted. "You look lovely."

She couldn't help but laugh. "Me? Like this? I look far from lovely. Please don't lie, Dex."

"I wouldn't dare lie to you, Blair." He paused. "You look so simple. It's beautiful-refreshing, really-to see a twenty-eight year old woman in just jeans and a shirt. Especially one as pleasing to the eye as you are."

She blushed. "My grandma always told me to be modest... But, why did you call me here?"

"I just really wanted to see you. And, plus, I need help preparing a short presentation. Fredrick Samuels called and asked me to come to a meeting. But, I need to come up with a presentation for my newest product and I was also wondering if you wouldn't mind coming to take notes?"

"Mind? No! Of course not! Just let me know when it is. And I'll prepare the presentation as soon as I get home!" Blair stood a little straighter, confidence beaming through her teeth and pores.

Dex's eyes dropped to Blair's chest quickly and back up to her eyes. Her shirt, like all shirts she owned, made her breasts look large and voluptuous. He smirked slightly and she held herself from shivering.

"See, you did make me feel better."

"Maybe a little too good," she said with a wink, nodding to his hard-on.

Dex scratched the back of his neck and ducked his head, obviously (and adorably) embarrassed. "Blair, our agreement...," he warned.

"I'm not the one with the problem, Dex," she shot back. His head popped up. "I meant your..." She couldn't finish.

"I got it," he chuckled. "Your right. It is my problem that I'm going to have to learn to deal with."

"Well, while you figure that out, I have a movie to watch. Landon and Jaime are waiting for me. Have a pleasant night, Dex," she bid.

As she opened the door, something grabbed her arm. Hard. She was spun into Dex and he grabbed her face, him shutting the door, all in one swift motion. He searched her face. "One more time wouldn't hurt. I have a bed."

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