Chapter 19

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Blair puffed out her cheeks, which were rosy. She hadn't gone to work today and neither had Dex. Instead he took the day off, saying to a business guest that he had some errands to run and he was taking his secretary with him.

So, that explained why she was walking, somewhere, which large hands covering her eyes. She groaned. "Dex, are we almost there?"

"Almost. And... We're here." He let go of her and she blinked, adjusting her eyesight. In front of her was a playground, but there was not a child in sight. Blair looked up at Dex questionably. He sighed and explained, "A few months ago, before you began working for me, I decided to have a park built, as a donation. But I didn't know what to call it. So, tomorrow's the grand opening and I just wanted to know if you think the name is appropriate..."

He walked over to a large, blanketed, rectangular shaped block and lifted off the cover. There, engraved neatly into wood, were the words, "B. Davenport Recreation Park." She walked over and touched it, to see if it was real. She turned around to find Dex smiling and watching the board. "I think it fits nicely."

"Dex!" she said, smiling broadly. He seemed proud. She slapped him playfully. "You're too much."

"Well, I couldn't come up with anything and you were the first name that popped into my mind." He grabbed her hands. "I couldn't have done all of this without you. Blair. I need to ask you something."

"Sure. What's up?"

"Blair. Will you be-?"

A cell phone cut him off. Blair smiled apologetically. He waved her off and she accepted the call. "Mr. Richards' office. Blair Davenport speaking. How can I help you?"

"Blair. It's Johnny." Blair rolled her eyes, but noticed he sounded... breathless.

"Johnny? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"It's Alicia. Come to the hospital. Now," he added. Blair hung up and looked at Dex. "I'm sorry Dex, but I have to go. Something is wrong with Alicia. She's at the hospital."

Dex nodded, his jaw agape. The two raced to his car and drove there. When they arrived on the fourth floor, they noticed Johnny sitting nervously, tugging at his blond waves. He looked up and Blair saw his eyes were swollen and his nose was red. She went over to the receptionist.

"Hi, I'm Blair Ronaldo, Alicia Ronaldo's sister. Where is she?"

"Room 416. But, Ms. Ronaldo will not be allowed any guests at this moment. The doctors have to run a few tests. It should be done shortly."

An hour and several hundred paces later, Alicia was allowed guests. Blair was first to walk in, followed by Johnny and a seemingly reluctant Dex. As he was closing the door, the doctor said, "She should be up any minute."

The door shut and Blair felt her gold eyes swell with tears as she examined Alicia's beautiful face. She wore her arm and leg in casts, her face was scratched, her eye was black and bruised, and her forehead was wrapped and most likely stitched. Her normally perfect golden hair was messy. Her lively face was pale.

"Alicia," Blair whispered. Alicia was stationary, motionless aside from the lifting and falling of her chest. Blair grabbed her best friend's hand and held it, bringing it to her tear stroked face. Heat caressed her face in a flurry of embarrassment that she was crying, sadness that her best friend was hurt and in pain, and especially fury towards whomever hurt her, even though she didn't know what happened. Alicia, so beautiful, looked just like fallen angel.

She felt stares over her shoulder and looked back at Dex and Johnny. Wiping her eyes, she gave either of them a sad, forced smile, knowing her gold and green eyes were glistening with tears. Positive that Johnny probably wanted to stand beside his girlfriend, Blair stepped aside and next to Dex, her chestnut colored waves falling around her face.

Johnny was whispering to Alicia when the three of them heard a moan. Blair stopped moving, held her breath, and listened. She heard the sound again; it was Alicia. She was waking up.

"Ugh. Where am I?" Alicia said. Blair felt herself began to cry, and she took a ragged, unsteady breath in. "Johnny?" She looked past the blonde. "Blair? Dex? Guys, what happened?"

For the first time, Blair found out what happened. "You were on your way to see me and someone hit you," Johnny said, his voice watery, as if he was about to cry and was holding back his tears. "This is all my fault. Had I not done what I was going to do, had I just come over... None of this would have happened to you. I'm so sorry, beautiful."

Alicia smiled weakly at Johnny. "Johnny. It's not your fault." Blair noticed how strong her friend was. She had always known that, but she never really acknowledged it until that moment. Alicia, even when she was near death, was always holding people on her shoulders. She had enough strength for everyone. "I should have been more careful. I was probably too focused on something else and I got hit."

"Alicia... There's one more thing you should know."

"What is it?"

Johnny paused and looked at Blair and Dex before looking back to Alicia. "The police think that the hit was... premeditated."

A/N Hey, guys! Just want to say that that amazing picture over there, on the side, was created by a wonderful young lady who's username is AvidBlinker. :) So, thanks, honey!! Fan her! I love this picture.

Also, anyone willing to do a trailer or cover or something, please? That would be so cool.

Okay, I have to go plan some stuff out with Dex. In the meantime, please vote, add, comment, and fan! We will have a Twitter page up soon. :) Thanks, my loves!

~Blair D.

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