Chapter 17

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"All right! Today we're gonna learn about the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus! To celebrate this, I've brought Fig Newtons and Leibniz crackers. Can anyone tell me why?"

A female student raised her hand, and Alicia nodded to let her speak.

"Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz were the founders of integral calculus. Do we get to eat the crackers?" Her voice was hopeful, and the students laughed with her.

Alicia smiled, and shook her head in agreement. "Yes, Angie, you get to eat them. Each of you get 2 Fig Newtons and 2 Leibniz crackers."

The students cheered, and crowded the TA's desk. Alicia pulled out her phone, and started texting Johnny.

Hey, babe. What's up?

Her phone pinged in response.

Nothing much. WBU?

Watching the kids eat fig newtons and leibniz crackers to celebrate the ftc.

The ftc? O.o

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Ohh... makes sense.

What are you thinking about?

Alicia paused, and noticed that the kids were fighting over the last Fig Newton. As a tie breaker, she went over and plucked it from Marie's hand, and ate it. Smiling triumphantly, she sauntered back to her desk, and looked at her phone.

1 New Message from-- Johnny

Thinking about what you're wearing, and how it'll look so much better on my bedroom floor tonight. ;)

Alicia's heart nearly stopped. She couldn't have sex tonight- she had just started her period yesterday, and the second day was always the heaviest.

Darling, as much as I'd love to, I can't... I'm closed for maintenance.

Her phone vibrated, and she frowned at his response.

I have no clue what that means. Johnny clicked send, and cocked an eyebrow at the response a minute later.

I've fallen to the Communists.

I literally have no clue what that means.

Alicia sighed, and hit send with a final hope that he might get it.

My aunt Irma's visiting for the week.

Still have no clueeeee..... -.-

My God, Johnny, I'm on my period!

Johnny smiled, and texted back a response.

1- that doesn't bother me, just say it outright. And 2- you're on your period, so what? We can still do stuff, it's just blood.

Alicia bristled, and sent back an angry text, jabbing at the keys.

Yes, i'm on my period. I'm shedding my endometrial lining through my cervix, through my vagina, and out of my body, where it will then be absorbed by either a pad or tampon. I don't really think we can do that.

A second later, her phone pinged with a response.

Heavy day, huh? Want me to bring you some Ben and Jerry's when I get home?

Sure. Thanks for understanding. Oh, by the way- I'm wearing a black lace corset and stockings. Leather boots, too.

Johnny felt himself get instantly hard, and swore when Dex burst into the room.

"Man, really? Right now?" Dex snickered, and looked pointedly at Johnny's crotch.

"Sorry! Alicia just told me that she's wearing a black lace corset, thigh high stockings, and leather boots. How can I not get turned on?"

Dex nodded in agreement, and drifted off into thought. "Man, why did I come in here?"

"Yes, I've had sex with a chick. Multiple times. You should see this chick I'm banging now, she's brunette, curvy, and tight as hell." Dex joked, and laughed hard when he saw the look on Johnny's face. "Please, continue, Jonathan."

"First of all, don't call me Jonathan. Second, haveyoueverhadsex..." Johnny crammed the words into one word, and looked to see if Dex was going to interrupt. Dex nodded to let Johnny know to  


"Have you ever had sex with a chick who's on her period?"

Dex looked thoughtful, then snorted. "Yes. It's not that big of a deal. Do it in the shower, bath, or put a few towels on the bed and change the position so she's almost vertical when you're doing her. Easy peasy."

"Yeah. Gotcha. What if the girl says no?"

"Then turn her on so much that she can't say no. Take a romantic side to it. Rub her stomach, feed her chocolate... I got all of this from 50 Shades of Grey. Haven't you read that yet? There's this great kinky shit that's kinky, but not too kinky. Ya know? Try it out, bet Alicia would love it."

Johnny savored the thought, then a devilish smile spread on his face. "I know exactly what to do."

Alicia took her keys out of her purse, and slid the key into the lock. Stepping inside the door, she heard the sounds of food frying, singing, and wine being splashed into a cup.

Alicia put her bag down on the floor, kicked off her black Louboutins, and threw her coat on the sofa. She padded into the kitchen, and immediately started laughing at the sight.

Johnny was there, and dancing while cooking stir-fry. Music was blasting, and not the manly kind- Alicia's period mix. She saw the CD on the counter, and laughed at the cover, which had a tampon drawn on a blood red background.

Johnny stopped at the sound of laughter, and turned down the fire on the wok. He turned towards her, and held out his arms, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I thought we might have a night in, and watch a movie. Rear Window sound okay?"

Alicia giggled, and jumped into his arms, and locked her legs around his trim waist. "Sounds good. Just let me go change into comfier clothing." Unhooking her legs from around him, she turned, and smacked his arm when he tickled her.

"There are sweats on the bed. Thought you might want to wear them."

Johnny was so sweet. Alicia couldn't wait until they could get married, and start a family.

Craning his head around the corner, Johnny waited until Alicia was all the way up the stairs before he dashed into the living room. He took out a thick towel, lotion, hand cuffs, and Rear Window, and laid them all out on the table in the middle of the room. But a thought stopped him, and made him put away the handcuffs. Too soon to do that, especially if she's on her period.

"Hey, Leesh? I'm going to take a shower." Johnny called out to her as he went into her room, and cocked his head in confusion when he didn't see her.

"I'm already in here. Sorry!" Alicia's voice echoed through the doorway, and didn't sound very sorry at all.

Johnny didn't care. Taking off his polo, then his boxers, he crept into the bathroom, and instantly got turned on by the sight. Alicia was covered in soap, and rinsing it off. As soon as all the soap was gone, she slid her hands down to the apex of her thighs and started rubbing, moaning softly as she did so.

Thank God she's facing the wall, away form the door. Johnny opened the shower door, and slid his hands around her waist, taking her hands in his.

"Nuh uh. No pleasure unless I'm giving it." Johnny's voice was lilting, and it throbbed in Alicia's ears.

Alicia gasped, and moaned as Johnny pressed her against the wall and hooked his leg around hers.

"Tonight's gonna be a good night. I promise." Johnny's voice was laced with lust and a promise, a promise that made Alicia's spine tingle.

AN- Restricted Chapter coming soon! Look in the account, and you'll see it. It's continued from the last line... Enjoy!

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