Chapter 22

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Blair chewed on her bottom lip. It was seven PM and she has just arrived home from the hospital to think everything through.

How the freaking hell was she pregnant?

Okay... She and Dex slept together... One, two, three... a lot of times. But they always used a condom and she was on the pill. And there was no way it was Brandon's baby. It was way too late for it to be his baby.

And when was the last time she and Dex had sex? She paused. About a week and a half ago.

Should she tell Dex? How far along was she? There was no way she was in her second trimester. She had to be in her first, maybe third week? She decided to call her doctor... Or a gynecologist.

"Hello, Dr. Reverend's office. Vanessa speaking. How may I help you?" the receptionist said. Blair blinked, wondering if that's how she sounded when she answered the phone.

"Hi. This is Blair Davenport and I was wondering if I could make an appointment with Dr. Reverend. I think I may be pregnant."

"Oh, okay. Just come on over now. We're open. How long will it take you?"

Blair looked at the website, where she'd found Dr. Reverend's phone number. Sure enough, his address was underneath.

"Five minutes," Blair said.


Blair drove herself to Fifth and Twentieth, a few minutes from her house. There was only one other woman inside, with curly brown hair and big doe eyes. Blair could smell the woman's nasty cheap perfume from a mile away.

"Hi. I'm here to see Dr. Reverend. I'm Blair."

"Oh! Yes, Blair. Hi. I'm Vanessa. I spoke with you on the phone. I just need you to fill out this information. It's just some insurance stuff, information, and questions regarding your pregnancy or possibility thereof."

Blair smiled, accepting the form and clipboard, reviewing and filling out the information. When she got to the pregnancy questions, her breath caught in her throat.

"Question 1) Do you feel short of breath (i.e. out of breath going up the stairs at work, etc.)?"

Blair bit her lip. Yes, she did. She thought about her daily three mile and back biking. Usually she got tired on her way back, on the fifth mile, but lately she'd been feeling tired after the second mile, toward her end point, which was highly unusual.

"Question 2) Are your breasts sore?"

Yes. Definitely. To the point she wanted to unstrap her bra.

"Question 3) Do you feel fatigue/nauseous/dizzy/faint?"

She didn't feel any of those, but still, that didn't satisfy her. She had answered yes to the other two questions.

"Question 4) Do you find yourself urinating constantly, constipated, and/or bloated?"

Well, she definitely felt bloated and she was going pee a lot more often, but she didn't feel constipated.

"Question 5) Do you have headaches/backaches/cramping?"

All the time.

"Question 6) Do yo have any sudden food cravings or aversions?"

She was suddenly in the mood for a Big Mac, but she hated McDonalds. And the thought of pasta made her stomach turn, causing her to feel nauseous...

She answered yes to that question before she went back and answered yes to nausea.

"Question 7) Do you have mood swings?"

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