Chapter 24

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"Brandon..." Blair blinked, exasperated. It had been about six months since she had last seen him. "What... What are you doing here?"

"Umm... I was... This sounds really cheesy and stuff, but my car broke down." He pointed to her driveway, where the Chevy sat. Blair bit her lip, unsure. She was still mad at him for cheating on her, twice, but she figure she should be the bigger person. She allowed him entrance.

"I think I still have that tee-shirt you let me borrow and Alicia's brothers pants from when he was here a few years ago..." She reminisced on the quick one night fling she and David, Alicia's older brother, had had before he left for the army.

"Thanks. I'll go take a shower, if that's alright."

"That's perfectly fine." She pursed her lips in an awkward smile at him. "You know where the bathroom is."

"Thanks. And Blair-" Blair stopped him. He looked like he was about to apologize and that was the last thing she wanted.

"Brandon. Please, right now is not the time."

He sighed, pursing his lips at her and headed to the bathroom. Blair sighed and flew back on her couch, exhausted. She heard the water run and took it as a chance to check her phone.

One text, from Dex. She opened it and read it. "Blair. Please. Let's talk in the office tomorrow. I have a lot of explaining to do."

Blair groaned, tossing her head back. She had no idea what to do. She accepted Chris's date, Brandon was in her house, and her boss was... Well, being himself. His bossy, demanding, loving, exaggerating, crazy, funny, cocky, sexy, sweet, smart, adorable self and she was getting whiplash from the sudden amount of testosterone in her life.

She grabbed a pillow, screaming into it like a fifteen year old girl. "God, dammit!" she yelled, absurdly frustrated.

Deciding that this was an appropriate time, she went into her cabinets, grabbed some wine, and inhaled it. The sensation burned her throat. She winced, clearing her throat and washing the cup.

She groaned, unsure of what to do. Brandon was probably gonna be there a while... He always delayed on calling a tow-truck because he usually had to talk to his insurance company and they were assholes, to say the least. He had usually called Blair whenever his tire was flat or he ran out of gas. It happened way more often then necessary, but Blair was always there for him. He would probably be there until tomorrow.

Blair looked at the time. It was nearly eleven already. She bit her lip. Alicia was out by now and at home with Johnny. She sighed and dialed her friend's number.

When Alicia picked up, she said, "Hello?"

"Alicia?" Blair said timidly.

"Hey, Blair! What's up?" Alicia asked.

"So... Um... Funny story... Brandon's back."

Alicia must have been stunned, because she was quiet for a minute. "What do you mean he's back?" she said after a moment of silence. "That good for nothing asshole is there? With you? In your living room?"

"He's actually in my bathroom, showering."

Alicia scoffed. "Blair, are you fucking insane? He cheated on you!"

Blair groaned. "I know. And I feel terrible..." She paused. "He told me why he's here, but I'm not a hundred percent sure I believe it. I just... Ugh. Don't even know what to do..."

"Well, he's there for something. How much you wanna bet his whore dumped him for another STD-ridden jock? Oh, he missed you." Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

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