Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Alicia sighed, and ate another scoop of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. She was cuddled up on the couch, watching Sherlock. But she wasn't truly thinking about the show, nor the ice cream. She was thinking about Johnny, and Dex. And Blair. How could she not think about Blair?

Setting down her ice cream on the glass coffee table, Alicia snuggled the blanket closer to herself and sat back on the loveseat. It made her think about her long friendship with Blair. Senior year in high school, college together at Stanford and both majoring in business, and now this. The loss of a child. Her child. The one she loved so much.

But now she had Johnny. He could take care of her, and he would.

A knock resounded through the house, and Alicia paused Sherlock, and spared a moment to look at Benedict Cumberbatch's cheekbones. God. They were fabulous.

Another knock echoed in the now silent room, but sounded closer. Alicia froze, and stood up, and wrapped the blanket tighter around her lingerie-clad body.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Alicia's voice, thick with fright, bounced off of the walls and flew back at her. The lack of a response frightened her so much, she grabbed the fireplace poker and held it above her head like a baseball bat. She played softball when she was younger, and knew how to handle a bat.

"All right, you bastard. If you don't come out right now, I swear to God, I'm going to clobber you until your body is mushed into my carpet."

A third knock boomed through her eardrums, and sounded as if it came from a few feet away. Alicia screamed, and her voice was ear-piercing, the frequency was so high.

The sounds of knocks flew all around her, and bombarded her senses. The flurry of noise forced Alicia to scramble into a corner, and huddle down. Tears streamed down her face as the sounds kept getting louder. Louder, and louder, and louder, until they suddenly stopped.

Waiting a moment, she looked up, and screamed so loudly a blood vessel nearly popped in her eye.

Dex stood there, with an amused smirk on his face.

"God, you son of a bitch, don't do that to me again!" Alicia shouted and swore, as she dropped the poker on her toe. But that didn't stop her from landing a punch on Dex's nose.

Dex cursed, and sat down heavily on her carpet. "Jesus, Alicia, what was that for?!"

"Why would you scare me like that? You know I'm terrified of unknown sounds."

"Alicia... I don't know what you mean. What sounds? I heard nothing." Dex's voice was full of sincerity, and it oozed its way through her ears.

Alicia faltered, and stepped back, nearly tripping over the poker. No noises? But there were sounds, lots of them. Alicia voiced the thought, and sighed. She must've been dreaming. 

"Sorry, Dex. I've just been a bit stressed lately. Want some coffee?" She stretched out her hand, and hauled him up from the floor.

Dex nodded in agreement, but then shook his head in disagreement. "I've actually got a serious topic to ask you about. It's about... the child."

Alicia froze, and turned around. Her voice, steely with resolve, reverberated in her ears. "What about the child? You said you didn't care."

Dex frantically shook his head. "No, I do. I was just... overwhelmed by what I saw. Truth is, I care about you, and Johnny does too. We- Blair, Johnny, and myself- care deeply for you. We don't want to see you get hurt."

"Don't worry. That won't happen. I just need a mental health day,"

"Leesh... It's been a month since the miscarriage. You need to move on. Let Johnny heal you, and heal your soul."

"I have. Believe me, he has been. He's been so supportive, and kind, and loving. I truly love him."

Alicia looked at the clock in her kitchen. "Oh, shit. He's coming over in an hour. You should leave, I need to get cleaned up."

"All right. Just stay careful."

Dex turned to go, but Alicia's voice called him back. "Dex?

"Don't you dare hurt Blair like you hurt me. I'm serious." And by looking in her eyes, Dex could tell that she was being serious.

"Hey, darling." Johnny kissed Alicia's cheek, and smiled at her appearance. She was wearing a maroon tank top, and PINK sweatpants. Trust Alicia to not get dressed up. He loved that about her. Her simplicity, her smile, her laugh. Everything.

"Hey. Want some tea? I know you don't like coffee. I boiled a pot of water. Earl Grey or Typhoo?"

"Earl Grey. Thanks, love. Can you make it a London Fog?"  

"Sure." As Alicia turned around to make the tea, Johnny got a good view of her butt in the sweatpants. He groaned as he felt his pants tighten slightly, and frantically tried to think of gross things. Gym shorts. His grandma in spandex. Anything. But it didn't work.

Alicia grabbed a mug and tea bag, and started making the tea. As she brewed the liquid, she felt her hair being moved from one side of her neck to the other, and a mouth start to kiss from her shoulder, up the slope of her neck, and around her pulse point. Damn Johnny. He knew her turn-ons, and being kissed on the neck was one of them.

"Thought you wanted tea."Alicia giggled, and swished her hair so that it framed her face like a curtain of spun gold.

"I do. But I'll have it later."

"Why not now?" Alicia's voice was innocent, and it drove Johnny mad to hear her act like she wasn't torturing him.

"I'm not that thirsty... At least for tea." Johnny hinted at something better, and Alicia sucked in a breath through her even teeth.

"Sounds good to me."

Johnny turned Alicia around, and kissed her softly on the mouth. She reciprocated by kissing him back, her lips molding to his almost perfectly. He could taste her cherry chapstick, and she could taste his smoky scent of mesquite and woods. She loved it.

Johnny cradled Alicia's butt in his hands, and lifted her on to his hips. She moaned, and circled her hips lightly above Johnny's erection, and he groaned into her mouth at the feeling.

Off came the tank top, then Johnny's striped polo. With each layer of clothing came a new feeling, and it was deeper than lust.

It was love.

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