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I woke up to screaming, I shot out of bed and left the room highly confused. Jesse and Jade came out and we ran into the room where we heard the scream. It was some lady who does housecleaning. There I saw the bodies of Diane and Russ cut up littering the floor, with a mixture of their blood and water from the bed all over the floor. The three of us looked at each other and nodded, we left, and they went to get their bag while I went and grabbed Chucky and Tiffany. "Found the bodies?" Chucky asked.

"Yeah, you really did a number on them," I said.

"That was all Tiff" Chucky said, a smile on his face as he looked at Tiffany lovingly, my heart squeezed because I wanted them to look at me like that. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

"Well we have to go, so if you could go back into doll mode," I said, they went into doll mode and I gently picked them up and left the room, meeting up with Jade and Jesse at the van, Jesse threw their case in the back then I got in.

"Oh, I can't do this," Jade said, looking over to Jesse.

"What?" Jesse asked.

"I-I can't go with you, Jesse. Not anymore" Jade said.

"Oh, man, I'm glad you said that first," Jesse said letting out a sigh of relief.

"Why?" Jade asked.

"Jade, this is too much for me. I love you. I will always love you. But there is a limit to how much I can take" Jesse said.

"Would you please stop talking to me like I'm the one who's crazy? You're the crazy one! You're the mass murderer!" Jade said, her voice increasing slightly.

"You mean multiple murderer," Jesse said, matching her volume.

"So you admit it?" Jade asked.

"No, I don't!" Jesse stated

"I can't take this shit anymore!" Jade said, when someone knocked on the passenger side, Jade let out a scream. Then David opened the back door and got in, sitting next to me.

"Anyway, the thing that struck me... was how sure you both sounded. And to me, that meant one of four things... one of you is lying, both of you are wacko, both of you are wrong, or Maria did it. Add to that the fact that I know you three better than anybody else, and I've never seen either of you so much as hurt a fly, and I've concluded that what we have here... is a terrible misunderstanding" David said when his face scrunched up. "Do you guys smell something in here?" David asked, Chucky and Tiffany glanced at each other.

"Okay, for the sake of argument, if it wasn't you...and it wasn't me...and it wasn't Maria, then who else would want to kill Warren and Needlenose?" Jesse said.

"And those people from last night," Jade said.

"You're assuming Warren's dead. He's only missing" David said.

"You're suggesting that Warren k-" Jade said when David cut her off.

"Yes! Why not?" David said, "I'd buy him as a psychopath before either of you. Pooh! Something really stinks in here."

"I told ya not to leave your dirty socks back there," Jade said.

"Honey, this ain't no dirty socks," David said as he got up and started looking around for the source of the smell. Then looked back towards the front and motioned me up, not wanting to seem suspicious I got up. David took the dolls off the seat, placed them down, and went to open the bench where we put Warren's body, as he saw the body a gasp left him, so I went over and let out a gasp, seeming shocked.

"I feel like such an idiot," Jesse said.

"What are we going to do, one of them killed Uncle Warren?" I whispered.

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