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I pulled up to the pharmacy and went inside, I got some sleeping pills and went and paid for them.

"Trouble sleeping?" He asked.

"Yeah, I flew halfway across the country, just a bit of jet lag. It's just to help get my sleep back on time" I said, as I paid for it, he nodded, and then I left. I smiled as I drove through town, just to pass the time and enjoy the view.

When I got back to the house, an hour before supper Sarah nodded at me, I kept the sleeping pills hidden in my pocket. "What're you making for supper?" Sarah asked.

"I was thinking about spaghetti, quick easy and tastes delicious," I said, she nodded and left, as I made the food I put the pill in the centre of one of Nica's meatballs, making sure it was in her place, just to make sure he keeps quiet. When I was finished cooking, I put each plate where it belonged. "Sarah, Nica suppers done" I called out, then sat down in my spot.

Sarah and Nica came in and sat down, and we quietly ate the food, "thanks for making this Maria" Nica said.

"No problem, it's my job and I love doing it," I said, smiling at her, as I saw her eat the meatball with the sleeping pill in it. Then it was quiet as we continued to eat, no one making a sound. When Nica was done she started to look sleepy.

"I think I'm gonna head up and do some work in my room," Nica said, Sarah and I nodded as she left, I grabbed our plates and started to wash them.

"Is there anything else you need me to do?" I asked as I put the dishes away.

"No I'm good, have a good night," Sarah said.

"You too," I said, smiling and heading up to my room.

"So what's the plan?" Chucky asked once the door closed.

"Nica will be asleep, I gave her a sleeping pill during supper so Sarah's all alone and fair game," I said, smiling at him.

"Good, let's give it an hour and then head down and talk to dear old Sarah" Chucky said, I nodded. I laid on the bed, and Chucky got on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him waiting for the time to pass.

After ninety minutes I sat up and Chucky nodded, "can you follow my lead?" I asked.

"What do you want to do?" Chucky asked.

"I want to toy with her, just be in my arms for a few sentences and then come to life, we can hear her explanation about why she had you killed and then you can get your revenge," I said, Chucky nodded. I stood up and went to Nica's room just to see if she was asleep and she was, I then headed downstairs to the living room.

"Why is that down here? I thought we decided for you to keep him in your room" Sarah asked.

"We just have some questions about that night in 1988, why did you set him off? Why call the police on Chucky?" I asked as I sat on the bed, and she looked shocked.

"H-how do you know?" Sarah asked.

"Oh dear Sarah I know more than you think, you know you were always his favourite family, well besides ours," I said.

"Just answer the questions Sarah, or I'll tie you up all over again," Chucky said.

Sarah let out a scream as I put Chucky on the couch, I stood up and walked over and gently put my hand over her mouth "no one will hear you, Sarah, you had my husband killed. He cared for you, but you betrayed him" I said.

"He had me kidnapped, he hurt Nica before she was even born, and he killed my husband" Sarah shouted.

"Because I wanted to have a family with you, I only hurt you after you betrayed me," Chucky said.

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