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5 Years Later

"Glen, Glenda, Gloria your friends are here" I called out as I opened the door and a bunch of five-year-old's ran into the house.

"No running" Tiffany called as she grabbed the doll version of herself and Chucky since they decided not to split their souls.

"So when do you have to leave?" I asked as I joined Tiffany, wrapping my arms around her waist and started kissing her neck.

"Tonight, I need to be in Canada to film the sequel to Chucky Goes Psycho," Tiffany said.

"Why did you want them to base a movie on your lives?" I asked, Tiffany shrugged.

"Well we're gonna miss you," Chucky said, when our nanny came in, so Chucky went out to watch the kids.

"Yesterday, they gave three kids a bloody nose and took pictures for show and tell. And I'm pretty sure they've been taking money from my purse" Fulvia, our nanny, said as she came up to us.

"That's ridiculous," I said.

"Glen is an angel, an absolute dream. But Glenda and Gloria... They're bad girls, Mrs. Ray. Very bad girls" Fulvia said when Tiffany glared at her.

"I'm not listening to this," Tiffany said as she went to leave.

"Mrs. Ray," she said, causing Tiffany to stop and turn to face her.

"What?" Tiffany snapped.

"I'm afraid of her," she said.

"Fulvia, it's only a doll," I said, giving her a smile as Tiffany sat on the couch, I walked behind it and gently rubbed her shoulders.

"I was talking about Glenda and Gloria," she said.

"Fulvia, just exactly what are you trying to say?" Tiffany asked her tone ice cold.

"I can't work here anymore," Fulvia said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I just can't. If you only saw the way they look at me with such... hate" she said.

"Alright Fulvia, if that's what you want," I said.

"We'll miss you," Tiffany said, smiling up at me, from her seat.

"Thank you, Mrs. Ray. God bless," Fulvia said when I nodded to Tiffany and she smiled, grabbing the doll and hitting her over her head.

"We should've told you no one leaves us alive," I said, as Tiffany continued hitting her, when she stopped I wiped the blood off her face and licked it, smiling at her.

"You have no idea how hot it is watching you kill someone," I said.

"Thanks, sweetface, now help me hide the body," Tiffany said, I nodded and helped her drag Fulvia to the closet.

"So when are you and Chucky finally gonna tie the knot, you've been engaged for 11 years?" I asked.

"I don't know, I don't think he even wants to marry me anymore," Tiffany said.

"Tiff, you and I both know that's not true. He loves you more than anything," I said.

"Then why did he marry you first?" Tiffany asked.

"We didn't want a big wedding hell, all we did was go to a church and elope tying the knot by killing the pastor. But you my darling, you want a big wedding with him, and I can give it to you just give me a date. And don't forget we got married before you and Chucky as well, now the only ones to be married to complete our circle is the two of you" I said, cupping her face and smiling at her. We looked over and saw Glenda and Gloria, standing there watching us hide Fulvia's body, Tiffany and I just smiled at them.

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