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I sat down in my spot. "Hi, I like to be hugged," Chucky said.

"I like to hug you as well" I giggled out and held him up for a hug.

"I love you dollface" Chucky whispered in my ear and nibbled it a bit, I bit my lip.

"Chucky" I lightly moaned.

"Oh the things I can do to you," Chucky said.

"I love you too dolly," I said, when I pulled him back and kissed the top of his head. Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"That's my baby," Madeleine said, coming over to me.

"No he's mine, only mine don't touch him" I growled out, glaring at her.

"Maria, sharing is caring, why not let Madeleine hold Chucky" Dr. Foley said.

"No Chucky is mine, you gave him to me, remember? Me, not her" I snarled, standing up and possessively holding Chucky to my chest.

"Daniel restrain her," Dr. Foley said when I felt arms wrap around me when Dr. Foley took Chucky from me.

"Give him back, he's mine" I snarled. "Mine. My Chucky. My doll" I screamed and started thrashing harder, I was able to get out of Daniel's hold. Before they knew what was happening, I was able to leverage Daniel's neck making it easy to kill him when I wanted to, "give me the doll Doctor, or I'll kill him. Chucky is mine and only mine. He wants me to be his forever, so give him" I snarled.

"Who said that Maria?" Dr. Foley asked, Chucky was watching me and I gave a little wink.

"He did, he's mine, he'll kill you if you take him from me. He'll kill every last one of you" I said, when I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me, starting to pull me back, but before they got me off I quickly snapped Daniel's neck, I heard screams go out through the room when I was finally pulled back I struggled even more as I was taken from the room. I was brought to a room where I was strapped down. When I was strapped down, Dr. Foley came in.

"Maria, I thought we were past this," Dr. Foley said.

"I just want him, he's mine. Madeleine was going to take him from me" I said. "So let me out of here. Goddammit, Peter let me out" I snapped.

"How do you know my first name, Maria?" Dr. Foley said, getting in my face.

"A friend. Ya know hypnosis wears off if you know what to do, so I know your dirty little secret and my husband" I said letting out a laugh. "My husband doesn't take too kindly when people touch what doesn't belong to them so he told me that he's going to kill you just like he killed my family and I'll enjoy every minute of it," I said with a dark sinister smile, before laughing maniacally when leather was placed in my mouth, and I was hooked up to monitors before I felt a small surge of electricity being zapped through my body, I smiled when it stopped.

When Carlos and Ashley came in. "Why're you smiling?" Carlos asked, as he saw the look on my face, he took the leather out of my mouth.

"Electroshock therapy hurts, and my dear friend, pain is fun. Pain can get you what you want, or it can be used for pleasure. I turn any pain I receive into pleasure. So ya know his death was on you, Dr. Foley. I warned you to give him back but you had to have me restrained. If you'd given him back Daniel would still be alive and I would've come willingly, but you wanted to do it the hard way" I said, "now I can go around killing people, or you can give me Chucky back." I smiled as I saw the nervousness flash through his eyes. "I know people are scared of me, I've been off my meds since forever, but if you are nice I'll be cooperative, I just want Chucky back and everything will go back to normal," I said, smiling as I saw the look of fear on his face after finding out I haven't been taking my meds.

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