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When we were outside and the door closed "I know where you saw him Father" I said, smiling at him.

"Where do you suspect Maria?" Father Frank asked.

"The news, 6-year-old Andy Barclay claimed his doll was possessed by the serial killer Charles Lee Ray. Good luck Father, I hope you make it to wherever you're going safely, if not tell whoever you see on the other side the Crimson Temper Murderer will be sending more gifts soon" I said, smiling as he looked pale, I knew he heard of us. "You must get going if you don't want to die right now Father, Chucky doesn't like priests," I said.

He got in the car and quickly drove away, I knew he wouldn't get very far as the poison would start to affect his motor functions and he'd probably crash his vehicle. I headed back in and everyone was getting up, I smiled as I grabbed the dishes and started washing them, as they watched family movies. When I was done I went in, "I'm gonna head up to bed Nica," I said, when I looked at the screen and saw a male with long black hair, a red shirt and sunglasses. He looked a lot like the human Chucky transferred his soul to, I let out a small gasp that was Chucky's first human form, the one he was born into.

"Okay, hey is everything alright?" Nica asked.

"Um yeah, just thought I saw someone I knew on the film," I said, and then headed up to my room, I got ready for bed as today has felt like the longest day I've had here. I got under the covers and closed my eyes.

Shortly after I fell asleep Nica was in my room shaking me awake "Maria, get up" Nica said, her voice sounding urgent. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"What's wrong Nica?" I asked my voice worried.

"Jill and Barb are dead. That fucking doll killed them" Nica whispered.

"Fuck Nica, I'm so sorry, where's Alice and Ian?" I asked as I sat up.

"Ian's still in bed and Alice I don't know, she must be hiding," Nica said.

"Okay I'll go find Alice, you get Ian and we get the hell out of here," I said, Nica nodded.

"Sounds good, he's possessed by a serial killer," Nica said.

"Who?" I asked, keeping the expression confused like I didn't know who she was talking about.

"Charles Lee Ray, the Lakeshore Strangler," Nica said.

"You go get Ian, I'll search for Alice, meet downstairs," I said, Nica nodded and we separated. I gave a half-hearted search, found Jill's and Barb's body, and smiled. As I was looking for Alice I ran into Chucky, and he quickly turned away, and ran out, so I knew he had a reason so I ignored him and continued searching for Alice.

"Did you find her?" Nica asked, from Ian's arms as he put her down in her wheelchair.

"No, I don't know where she is," I said to Ian as they went to search. After a few minutes, I saw Ian, rolling an unconscious Nica. "What happened?" I asked.

"Nica killed my family, and she's hiding Alice somewhere," Ian said.

"Well, find out what you can. I'll try to find Alice and Ian, be careful," I said, Ian nodded, lifted her out of the chair and carried her upstairs. I continued my half-hearted search for Alice. When I headed upstairs, in time to see Chucky chop off Ian's lower jaw, I bit my lip watching my husband, I saw that there was a camera on him, which explained why he ran from me earlier. I quickly left so they didn't see me, and headed, when I saw Nica being rolled and thrown from the landing. I saw him go downstairs, with a knife in hand to kill her. I stayed up there, for a few seconds before heading down.

"You did this to me?" Nica asked as I descended the stairs, Nica saw me briefly and I held my hand giving her a shushing motion.

"No, Nica, you did this to me. You and your mommy. She betrayed me. Got me killed. But I knew a way to come back. Took me twenty-five years, but believe me, it was worth the wait. Twenty-five years. Since then, a lot of families have come and gone. The Barclays, the Kincaids, the Tillys, but Nica, your family was always my favourite. And now, you're the last one standing. So to speak" Chucky said, before letting out a laugh. "You know, you remind me a lot of Andy Barclay. He was a whiny little bitch, just like you" Chucky said.

"Did you kill him, too?" Nica asked as I snuck closer, but the floorboard creaked. And Chucky turned to face me, I had a look of terror and he smiled, getting what I was silently telling him.

"Nice enough for you to join us little Maria Kincaid, the last of her family, like you Nica, now I get to kill you both," Chucky said, and I ran to Nica.

"It's going to be okay," I said, Nica whimpered, and I saw the gash in her leg.

"But more or less. I killed his childhood. And the truth is, I killed you twenty-five years ago. Didn't I, Nica? You haven't been living. You can't call this living. You've just been on life support. Time to pull the fucking plug" Chucky said.

"So you never actually killed Andy Barclay, did you?" Nica asked.

"What?" Chucky asked.

"You know, it's called completion anxiety. It's very common in males. You are a male, aren't you?" Nica says, indirectly insulting him, and my lip twitches slightly in anger.

"Oh... I'm gonna kill you slow" Chucky said, and Nica started laughing.

"Yeah, no, I get that, twenty-five years. Must be the slowest murder in history. I mean, what are you waiting for? A sign from God?" Nica said when the power came back on and we rushed to the elevator.

"No!" Chucky snarls as we start to go up when the power cuts out again, Nica's hand holding the railing shut, and Chucky cuts up her hands, causing her to scream out. "You feel that, don't ya?" Chucky asked, when Nica grabbed a hold of the knife, ripping it out of his hands.

"You wanna play, motherfucker? Let's play" Nica said, as Chucky got in, she held the knife at him, Chucky opened the door, and ran at her, I heard police sirens so I knew I had to join Nica's side if only for a bit longer, when Nica raised the knife and stabbed him in the back pulling it out, and a bunch of stuffing flew out, as he's only been in this vessel a short time, when Chucky jumped up and laughed, causing Nica to scream.

"Police. Open up" a police officer said on the other side of the door.

"Help!" Nica screamed.

"Help us!" Nica and I screamed trying to get them to come in since there was no way I could get away before they found everyone. The police busted open the door and saw me and Nica covered in blood. She was cowering in my arms, the police officer saw Barb's body and looked at us, with his flashlight so Nica held a knife to block some of the light from his eyes.

He came over and arrested the both of us and we both pleaded that we didn't kill anyone and that it was the doll, but as expected he never believed us and we were brought to the station where we stayed for a few weeks, before our trial.


Nica and I were in the courtroom after our trial being sentenced. "Based on the evidence, the defendant is declared legally incompetent and remanded indefinitely to a facility for the criminally insane," the judge said, hitting his mallet and sentencing us to a facility.

"We're alive, you son of a bitch. You hear me? We're still alive!" Nica said and started laughing as she was wheeled out of the courtroom and I was made to follow her. We were brought to a bus where we got on and were brought to Lockmoor.

Nica and I were next to each other so I was with her talking "so what's your story with Chucky?" Nica asked.

"It was actually my sister, Jesse and Jade. They were made to bring Chucky to Hackensack, I opted to stay home, but over the course of two days, my whole family was dead. I managed to get away, but I thought it was my sister doing the killings, he just showed me that my sister never hurt anyone, that it was him. Oh God Nica, I'm so sorry I may have been the one to bring him to you" I said, hoping she doesn't pick up on the inconsistencies of everything I've told her.

"Maria, he was after me from the beginning, apparently my mother knew him, and he kidnapped her, paralyzing me, I'm just glad you were there to help me," Nica said, I smiled.

"Now we just need to find a way to get back at him for locking us up," I said, smiling at her, and she nodded.

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