Chapter Two

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In his pocket Luke felt his phone buzz, but in the moment he ignored it, too preoccupied with watching what was in front of him. His little sister, LJ (Little Jane) loved painting, she had a gift for it. In fact she painted about special visions she always seemed to have...

That was LJ's power, being able to supernaturally see strange things. Being the daughter of Thor, it wasn't unusual for her to have a power such as this. But the same should have applied to Luke. First born of Thor, yet he had no powers what so ever. Not even at sixteen years old has he developed any, like Thor said he might. But Luke didn't mind it.

In fact he loved watching his little sister work; her blank expressions while she painted, as if copying the pictures from memory. And she had visions of the strangest things, some prophesy, some fantasy. Like right now. She was painting a picture of Loki, their supposedly deceased uncle. Obviously neither of them had ever met Loki, but they knew very well what he looked like. Their father talked about him a lot. This was certainly Loki.

But there was someone else with him. A little girl with dark blue skin. The picture wasn't near complete but it looked as if Loki was holding the girl, trying to tell her something important. Who knew what LJ's vision meant, but this one had to be one of the untrue fantasies.

From the other room Thor entered, coming to a stop behind Luke and LJ, watching the drawing work itself out. Luke sensed Thor was there and turned around, seeing his father frowning at the portrait.

Luke decided this was a good time to excuse himself, and he stood up, walking past LJ and the picture, down into the hall toward their room. Weaving past LJ's easel (her painting corner in itself) was difficult. They didn't have much space in their little apartment...compared to his uncle Tony. Not that Luke's family didn't have enough money for such a big piece of land, but his parents were content here. So why horn in his opinion?

Speaking of the devil...

Luke pulled his phone out and began to type a reply to his cousin's text. "Nah man, gotta study for that final," he sent. As he entered his and LJ's room his phone buzzed again. "Come on, Luke. It's just a final, we have one every should be looking for a date to prom. THAT'S a big deal," Kit pointed out.

He always teased Luke about not being able to get a girl, but it's hypocrisy because Kit's never had a girlfriend either. It wasn't even because the two weren't attractive to girls, they were just never interested in shocking and unbelievable that characteristic is for two teenage boys.

"Fuck off, Kit. This final's a huge deal...besides....prom's for Juniors and Seniors only, remember?" Luke sent, slightly annoyed. "Dude. You're my date. And bring LJ for all I care. I don't wanna take none of the dumbass bitches around here to that dance anyway." That comment made Luke laugh. Kit could probably do that, even though Luke was sixteen and LJ was only nine. But Luke dismissed the suggestion right away.

Luke and Kit grew up so close as kids, most people either thought they were, one, siblings, or two, a young gay couple. The two didn't mind much of their images though, it never bothered them.

As Luke started to type a response to Kit, LJ came tiptoeing into their room. She wore a look that Luke thought just said, "Wow." So he asked her what was wrong. "Dad flipped out on me about that picture," she told him.

Luke cocked an eyebrow and glanced to LJ's half of the room, where a mix of probably a thousand or more sketches or paintings were collaged all over her wall. He focussed on the corner just containing sketches of Loki, the best representation he had of his dead uncle. Single portraits of Loki smiling, some actually demonic looking, and some even had Thor in them, too.

"Of all the pictures to get pissed off about," Luke said, narrowing his vision on a picture of Thor and Loki standing beside each other, in their separate armors. They both were smiling.

"But that vision seemed so real..." LJ started, walking to her desk and sitting facing her brother, her eyes beginning to go blank as if she was falling into another trance.

Usually LJ's visions are nothing more than daydreams, but they're sometimes true prophecy. Whenever she tries declaring that's the case, nobody believes her, and if she was just now trying to sell to her father that the scene with Loki and that little girl actually happened...well, if Luke were her father, he'd be pissed off too.

Instead of defending Thor, Luke grew quiet, letting LJ have her trance while he climbed to the top bunk of the only bed in the small room, lifting his backpack off the edge where he hung it on Friday after school. As he dug around for a textbook he looked to LJ's drawing wall again.

Sometimes Luke wished he could have seen Asgard. He wished he'd met Odin, the royal warriors, even Loki, no matter how horrible he was said to be. Luke wondered what would be happening right now if Thor had actually become the King. How much hyper would his life be if he and LJ lived as the Prince and Princess of Asgard?

Luke was awaken from his daydream to his phone vibrating in his pocket. Kit again. "I betcha Becky from first period's got a thing for you. Ask her," he read. Luke replied, "Fuck off, Kit," knowing his cousin would find it as another joke.

Before Luke even opened his textbook, his mother appeared in the doorway of he and his sister's room. She leaned against the frame, first studying LJ. "Wake her up and wash up for lunch," she instructed softly, nodding at LJ. Luke jumped from the bunk, the thud of his feet hitting the floor startling LJ out of her vision. She stared at Jane and Luke.

"Actually, mom, I think I'm gonna go over to Kit's," he informed Jane, who tilted her head and widened her eyes at her son, an almost teenager-ish reaction. "It's Sunday, Luke. You'll see him tomorrow," she argued. Kit shrugged and walked past Jane, not caring whether she approved of him leaving or not anyhow.

"Okay, well fine, but your dad's going with you," said Jane, following Luke down the hall. "He needs some blow off steam." Luke groaned at the thought of his dad becoming all upset about the drawing of Loki, and venting to him about it. Whatever. That's what Uncle Tony would be for, once they get to his house...

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