Chapter Four

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May came, the last month of school that Kit would actually be looking forward to. Prom was at the end of this month, and he's been excited about it all year. The reason, he didn't exactly know. Something just told him it was going to be a good time, that for the first time he'd actually live the "party life," like his father. Driving to school that Monday he felt abnormally at ease.

On the other end of the spectrum was good old cousin Luke. He wasn't looking forward to anything but passing all his classes and getting out of school. But that was still two months away.

While Kit had to drive to school, Luke's apartment was close enough that he could ride his bike there, and the two met up, as they usually did, outside the science building of their school.

"Ready for finals, right?" That was the first thing Luke asked when he saw Kit. In response Kit rolled his eyes and shrugged. "I dunno...and I don't care," he admitted, watching around them while fellow students buzzed around, plenty of girls also glancing over at them.

Luke decided to look around with Kit, his hand tapping against his jeans nervously. "You're just happy your parents are leaving today," he commented. Kit looked down Luke's twitch. "What are you doing?" He asked. Luke crossed his arms over his chest to stop the habit. "I don't know, man, I've just got a bad feeling about this whole rest of the year...."

"You're gonna ace all your stupid finals. You know that, Luke. Everyone at Union High is going to pass." Kit assured him, his tone implying his cousin was stupid to think otherwise. But Luke shook his head. " ain't about any tests..."


"What's your name?" Loki asked Seren as they walked down the bridge leading to the bifrost. "Seren...ity," she replied, her skin changing from blue to pale white, then fading to blue again. She was exercising her newly mastered control.

She and Loki were doing a dry-run of Seren's believable life on earth, since she was ready to travel there now. She had to come up with fibs about her life...because telling everyone she was the daughter of Loki didn't have a good chance of selling well...

Loki was never comfortable with the idea of sending Seren away like this, but she'd talked about it so much, and it was too late to say she couldn't go by the time last month when she mastered controlling herself. He knew Seren could handle herself on Earth, it was just his fatherly instinct going haywire at the idea...

"And where are you from?" Loki asked. "I'm an exchange student from England," said Seren, emphasizing her already thick British accent. "What's your father's name?"
"Lucas," she recited.
"School name?"
"Union High, of New York." Seren was starting to get bored with the questions and she started skipping with excitement beside her stiff father.

"First class period?" He asked, knowing this would be a tough one for her to answer. Seren stopped skipping and looked at the ground. "Physics?" She guessed. Loki looked at her, expecting a better answer. Seren searched for it in her memory. "Advanced placement physics!" He exclaimed, happy she remembered. "There's a big test at the end of the month."

She had everything worked out so perfectly, she was so excited, ready to go out into a new world. She'd been waiting for so long, and there was this new confident glow about why did Loki want to call all of it all off so terribly?

"Are you sure you want to go to earth?" He asked as they reached the end of the bridge, turning now to face his daughter. Seren laughed and jumped up and down excitedly, her white teeth matching her skin; an unfamiliar sight. "I am ready!" She chimed. "But why not another realm? Truly, Seren, earth is the dullest of them all," he told her.

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