Chapter Five

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"Daddy!" Seren screamed to the sky. "I don't know what to do!" She complained. She's been lost ever since her drop on Earth, two days ago. Something had to have gone wrong with the bifrost.

She had it worked out perfectly...but everything would only worked if she'd landed in the right place. She was supposed to have already started school! She had a place to live! Now she didn't know where to start! "Come on, Seren," she said to herself, "You know earth better than anyone in Asgard. Surly you can navigate your way through the woods."

In the thick of the night she let her true self show, her skin blue and her feet leaving frosty prints with every step she took. At least this way she wasn't cold, but she was still angry that everything looked uniform out here, she believed she'd been walking in circles.

"Give me a sign! Show me a way to...anyplace!" She shouted, spinning out of boredom as she walked. Too bad her prayers were answered sooner than expected. While her eyes were distracted by the stars overhead, the trail beneath her feet suddenly gave out to a steep hill, and she fell over, tumbling helplessly with the earth.

Groaning, she stood up, now facing a large house, unable to contain a smile. She clapped her hands together and looked up again, whispering, "Thank you!"

She looked the facility all around from her position, noticing a light on in the opposite corner of the house. Who would be up at his ungodly hour? It had to be two or three a.m.

Seren started running from the house, in fear that she might be spotted. A little further out was a barn, chains holding the doors closed. Seren bit her nail, debating whether or not she wanted to break and enter. She'd get in trouble...her cover would probably be blown...

But there was one phrase running through her mind at the time. American slang. YOLO.

And with that she walked to the chains, her touch already starting to rusting them. After a few minutes they broke, and Seren tossed them aside, slowly opening the door and walking inside the barn.

To her shock there were horses, and she was excited to see them. She'd never seen a horse of earth before. But they didn't share her enthusiasm, instead the two started freaking out, neighing and stomping and rearing in their separate stables. Seren raised her hands to calm them, realizing she was still blue.

In a rush she transformed herself, this time her pale skin (against the moonlight coming through a hole in the barn siding) catching her eye in a mirror hanging above a sink on the wall parallel to her. For a split second she saw herself, then focussed on establishing trust with the now calming down beasts before her.

Afterwards she looked at herself again...suddenly not recognizing her own reflection. She didn't look like the nine year old from Asgard, but like a full grown woman. She looked down at her own body to make sure she really was looking at herself in that mirror. She was definitely different...

Perhaps her true age was catching up with her here on Earth...


In his room Kit heard a commotion coming from the barn. It awoke him from a trance like sleep, thinking about his parents, still not accepting what Thor had told him two days before.

Their jet crashed, and they were still in New York. Of all the ways for his parents to die, even the possibility of something like that was a load of bull shit. He hadn't cried at all in those two days. He was in denial.

Be that as it was, Kit knew something wasn't right outside. His horses never made a peep, especially at night. Quickly he walked out of his room and house, picking up a jacket and flashlight on his way out.

Leading up to the barn was the damnedest thing...icy footprints, broken chains, and the barn doors half open. On edge, unsure what kind of creature he'd be facing, Kit stopped in front of the doors, trying to get pumped and ready to beat whatever was in the barn. Too bad I didn't bring a gun, he thought. But he matched the fierceness of one as he threw the barn doors open....

To reveal a girl.

She gasped and turned to look at Kit, quickly letting out an unsteady breath and closing her eyes, knowing she'd been caught. Kit thought he heard her swear under her breath.

"Uhmm..." said Kit, not wanting to be rude to the girl. No matter if she broke into his barn or not. He'd been expecting a monster, or some terrifying criminal...but a girl? It caught him off guard.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly, forcing a guilty smile.


Seren opened her eyes, awake from her futuristic vision. She had been aimlessly walking, and just reached the hill to the house in her dream. Staring down at the property she thought, none of that really happened...

She wasn't sure she wanted any of it to happen, either. So she turned away from the hill and started again in the opposite direction, looking down at her crossed blue wrists peeking from her long sleeve dress. She transformed to her paler self once more. One thing was correct in the trance, Seren had changed, appearing much more mature.

She stopped and looked back at the house receding from under the hill. She wondered who that boy was...and whether or not she wanted to meet him. In the vision he didn't seem like a bad guy...

But as she made up her mind and started to walk away again, when she looked ahead, there was the boy, standing and staring at her. She gasped, not daring to let her breath out as she looked up at him.

The moon illuminated mostly the top of his head, his hairline shadowing his furrowed brow. From what she could tell, Seren thought the boy was really cute. But she couldn't dote over him. She'd just seen him in her trance, he's not supposed to be out here...

"Who are you?" The boy demanded. Seren turned suddenly sheepish, her vision again being wrong about something; the boy's attitude. "My name is Serenity," she lied, but the boy wouldn't have had time to tell from her tone because he just about cut her off with his second question. "What are you doing here?"

Seren shrugged. "I-I-I'm a little lost." The boy looked her up and down. "What the hell are you wearing? How long have you been here?" He asked, but changed the direction of the conversation quickly afterwards, tearing off his jacket and draping it around Seren. "You must be freezing. Come on," he said as he lead her toward the house.

"Uhm, thanks...?" Seren started, hinting at the fact she didn't know the boy's name. "Kit," he introduced.

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