Chapter Twelve

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"You know, you're very small for a Frost Giant. It's incredible really," said the familiar voice of the suited man on the plane. Seren opened her eyes, having trouble adjusting to the dimness of the room. The only light was coming through a small, high up the wall window, but she could clearly see the suited man working on a computer.

Looking down at her body, Seren realized she was on the same roller bed, still strapped down and everything. She was too tired, too groggy to fight.

The man walked to the other side of Seren where a tray of full and multicolored syringes laid. To that she widened her eyes. "What you gonna do?" She wondered, wishing she had the strength to word the question better. The man just glanced at her. "Nothing too terrible. We have a goal," he hinted. Seren stared at him.

"See, it's not you we're technically after. We know who you are, better yet we know how to get someone else's attention through you," he explained, pointing a gloved finger to the sky. They wanted to get...Loki's attention?

"This one," the man sang, picking up a syringe with blue solution inside, "Will make your head swim, turn to mush. And you two have a special bond, no?" He was trying to explain how the effects would work on Seren and Loki whenever Seren was injected with something., wondered Seren.

The only "special bond" she and Loki shared was the intuition Loki feels when something goes wrong with Seren. Otherwise they weren't related by blood, so how did this idiot suited man think these drugs would work?

But Seren wasn't concerned about whatever pain she was about to face. She wanted to know why they wanted Loki's attention, so she asked. "Your father started his task long ago, and he quit. Why? We knew he was up there. Why didn't he finish what he started? Well, this way, he has a little more persuasion." He teased Seren by holding the syringe against her arm, but he didn't inject her. The only reaction Seren gave was a death glare.

"You see, Hydra has the same goal that your father had all those years ago. He and Hydra make a good team, if only he'd-"

"Loki won't help you," Seren interrupted. The man pursed his lips and replaced the blue syringe in his hand with a clear one. "He's riding the morally superior high horse, yes?" He wondered, flicking the syringe to get any air bubbles out. "This is why we've collected a little leverage first." Then he lowered the needle down toward Seren's arm. "Like I said, you're very small. And this is a rather large may hurt a bit." The man said, stifling a smile.

Seren lurched away, doing no good, and the needle dug into her arm, releasing an even colder sensation than her own skin. For one second she screamed as an excruciating pain flooded over her, like all her organs were being squeezed, forced to stop.

But that was before the left wall to the little lab blew away, revealing a dusty Iron Man suit. Seren wished she had the will to react, to shout for joy at the sight of rescue (of Kit) but she could hardly see him, let alone react through the pain she was in.

Kit didn't hesitate to shoot the man in the suit, and he sped to Seren, pulling the empty syringe out of her arm. For a few seconds he stared down at her, studying her skin and eyes. That was what brought him back to reality, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. "Hey! No! Look at me!" He yelled to keep her awake as he unstrapped her limbs from the bed.

She almost complied, starting to cry, as if Kit was scaring her. He probably was, in this getup. "Hey hey stop it!" Kit cried, touching Seren's shoulder. When she didn't stop Kit finally stood back, hiding his hands up and commanding his suit, "Okay Friday, give her what she needs to see." Most parts of the suit fell off of him, only one arm and hand remaining, the gun. Maybe his normal appearance, his casual homey clothes, would calm Seren down.

Sure enough she bit her lip, and forced a weak smile at Kit. Her body started to go numb, she felt so sleepy...

"Serenity," Kit addressed out of habit, and Seren shook her head. "I know you know that isn't my real name," she whispered. Kit walked to the side of the bed without answering and set his loose hand on Seren's shoulder, ready to pick her up. But as their skin made contact she frostbit him, and he lurched away. "Fuck," he whispered, shaking his hand to get rid the cold sensation. "Kit.." Seren tried saying sorry, but she couldn't find the strength.

With caution Kit quickly tapped Seren's other arm (the arm she was injected in) to test if it was the same biting temperature. Unsure with the first result, he held his whole free hand on it for a second again. It was warmer...but still blue. Why was she warming to room temperature? Kit looked at Seren's eyes again, noticing they were closed. He scooped her off the bed and they opened again. Kit was careful not to touch her colder skin. "You just stay awake, alright?" He told her, and Seren weakly nodded, her head resting on Kit's chest as he ran out of the lab and down an empty hallway.

But they soon came upon soldiers, and Kit's one handed shooting only got them so far. Pretty soon it was time for a full retreat, attempting to navigate through and out of the base while dodging bullets at the same time.

Kit didn't know what was happening to Seren. She was too small for the dose she was given in that lab, it was killing her. That's why she kept getting warmer.

Before Kit could make it out of the base he felt something hit his calf, and it sent him rolling on the stone floor rolling. Seren slid away from him lifelessly and he tugged her back behind a crate with him before they could be shot at again. He didn't notice it right then, with the rush of adrenaline, but Seren by now was just as warm as he was.

There Kit sat, Seren in his arms, listening to people argue about where he went, whether or not he fell down. One guy even ran past the crate where Kit and Seren were hidden. After that things were suddenly quiet again, and Kit let out a nervous sigh as he looked down his leg and Seren. No what happened?

His attention was quickly stolen by Seren. Her head was against his chest, her neck craning up to face him...her eyes wide open and black blood dripping from her nose.

"Seren?" Kit addressed. Nothing. No movement. It was right then that he noticed the temperature of Seren's skin.


Loki felt his heart skip a beat and a flood of pain crash over him, and his eyes filled with tears. It seemed like everybody around the bifrost felt it, and they all stared at Loki with wide, frightened eyes. He shot a look of disbelief as the bifrost began to suddenly whir again. Running towards it he yelled at Heimdall, "You've fixed it! Send me to Seren, now!" Of course, the guardian complied, and Loki disappeared into the light.

All the technologists stared at Heimdall, wondering the same thing. But only one man spoke up, "What did we just feel?" Heimdall looked down. "Princess Seren has just been taken from us."


Kit held Seren's forehead to his, crying bitter tears every time she didn't answer when he spoke to her.

Kit couldn't see at first, but there was a strong wind and a burst of light that made him look to the heavens. Instinctively he hid Seren, protecting her from the threat. It looked like a tornado of light had fallen upon them. The roof of the base was torn off, and for a couple moments after the light disappeared to where it came from (nowhere), and there was just a cloud of dust.

Kit knew this couldn't have been random, and he looked around, expecting to see Loki. But he heard a thud from behind him, and when he twisted his head to look, there he was. Not five feet behind Kit, Loki had fallen to his knees at the sight of Seren. Kit looked down at the girl in his arms as he pivoted toward Loki, and he reached out for Kit to hand off the body.

Seren's neck fell back as Loki took her, like a newborn baby unable to hold itself up. He lifted it, Seren's lifeless eyes now staring into his. Loki began to weep.

Kit covered his mouth to hide his expression, the fact that he was crying even harder. What was he supposed to do now? What was he to say to Loki?

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