Chapter Seven

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At lunch that day Seren was all alone. Though all her instructors went easy on her because it was her first day of school, it seemed like the longest day of her life. She could hardly focus on the easy math, science, and language problems through the thought of Kit and Luke; her discovery of them.

"Serenity!" A voice called, startling Seren, so she turned to look for the source. She saw Kit walking toward her, pushing through large circles of people who were standing around talking. "Hey," he said once he was close enough. Seren just smiled.

"So, here's the deal," Kit started. "I'm going to Luke's after school for study and dinner and all, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with," he suggested. Seren raised her brow as if to ask, "Are you kidding?"

Despite Kit's kind offer...why would she want to go with?! To meet Thor, her practical uncle, who would hate (maybe kill) her if he found out her situation. Bedsides, Luke already doesn't like her, so she'd feel like she was intruding on a whole other level.

But her words for twisted while she tried to make up an excuse. She really didn't have any place else to go. "You aren't busy, right?" Kit asked, moving along the silence.

Seren had lied to Loki when she left Asgard saying she knew of somewhere to stay. She figured she would wing it when she got here, how hard could it be? Well, in this situation, getting away from Kit would prove to be a lot harder than she anticipated.

"No, of course not...I would love to go, Kit," Seren replied, smiling. She didn't know what else to say. But the words tasted awful coming off her lips, no matter how thrilled Kit looked to hear her accept the invite.


Driving through the city Seren felt her heart race and her palms sweat. What if Luke's family sees right through her disguise? Thor must be able to tell a true frost giant or Asgardian from a mile away.

"You okay?" Kit asked, glancing over and seeing Seren's wide eyes. She turned her head to him as she noticed and faked a smile, shaking her head to get the anxiety out of her mind. "Well yes...just not used to such a bustling city," she lied, peering out the window again. Kit laughed, "Me neither. I like where my house is, it's never this crazy," he concurred.

For a second Seren looked to him, involuntarily staring. He sure as hell didn't look like Tony, but Pepper? Seren had only seen pictures of her, and Kit looked a lot more like her. Not only did Seren observe his complexion, but also his obvious happy mood. His parents died two days ago, why was he not torn apart?

Kit caught her staring and frowned, glancing back and forth from the road to Seren in the passenger seat. "What?" He wondered, and in response Seren just shook her head as if to say, "Nothin..."

Before she knew it, Kit had parked the truck in an empty space next to a curb, and Seren was staring up at the building Kit said Luke lived in. It was a huge building...Seren wondered if all of it belonged to Thor's family, but she didn't dare to ask Kit if that were the case. That would make her sound pretty normal, right?

She followed and kept her head low as they walked up several flights of stairs. Seren assumed Kit knew where he was going as they rounded wall after wall, overlooking hallways leading to other sections of the building along the way. Finally he walked forward into one of the halls, stopping at the first door on the left and knocking on it. So the building is divided into smaller chambers, observed Seren.

A big, blond man opened the door. Thor. And he smiled big at Kit, holding his hand out. The two shook hands and greeted one another, but Seren kept quiet. Soon a woman came to the door, beckoning the visitors inside. This must be Jane.

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