Part 2

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You walked all around the school trying to find your classroom but the school was so huge. You almost gave up until you realized that there were signs on the corner of the walls that said what was which way. You mentally slapped yourself and began walking again. When you finally found a sign reading "Hero Course", you started walking faster in the direction the sign was pointing. You were able to finally stop when you found a door labeled "Class 1-A". After taking a few moments to catch your breath and settle yourself, you slid open the door. Suddenly, a whoosh of voices fills your ears. You're just about to back out when someone comes up behind you. They give you a light push from behind and you take a step forward from the impact and turn around to see who it is. You see a grown man with wavy black hair down to his shoulders and a gray scarf around his neck. He nods toward the classroom with the slightest of smiles. You take a deep breath and step into the room. 

Right when you enter, someone screams out your name. 

"Y/N!!!! OVER HERE!" You look over to see Mina and Kirishima standing by the windows. Mina's waving her arm aggressively to get your attention. You reluctantly walk over to them. 

"Why'd you have to scream my name...?" you ask, embarrassed. Mina shrugged innocently and Kirishima chuckled. 

You three just stood and talked for a while. Until you all heard something happening at the front of the room. There was a tall boy with dark blue hair scolding a spikey blonde for having his feet on the desk. Suddenly, a boy with curly green hair walks in nervously and from there, everything gets interesting. The blonde is absolutely shocked. Then a girl with rosy cheeks walks in behind the broccoli boy and starts shouting excitedly. 

But all of that is put to an end when another person walks in. It's the same person who encouraged you to go into the classroom. Apparently, he is your teacher. He introduces himself as "Eraserhead" or "Aizawa-sensei". The only person that recognizes him is the green-haired boy. A seating chart is then displayed on the board and everyone goes to their assigned seats.

(This might get confusing because the original seating chart has exactly enough seats for the original class. So just bear with me please.)

You sit in between Koda and Tokoyami with Kirishima in front of you. You study the seating chart to learn your classmates' names but once everyone is in the right seat, Aizawa-Sensei takes it off of the board. 

You sit back and try to relax even though you are surrounded by people you don't know. You are trying to prepare yourself for an introduction that most teachers make you do on the first day of school but then Aizawa-sensei surprises you. 

Aizawa: Alright, Problem Children. You can do whatever you want, just don't wake me up. 

And with that, the sleepy teacher gets into a yellow tube-looking thing that you guessed to be a sleeping bag. He then lay down on the floor and fell asleep. 

Not knowing what to do, everyone was silent. We all collectively stared at the yellow sleeping bag that contained our teacher. An awkward silence hovered over all of us but was soon broken. Everybody slowly became more comfortable in the atmosphere and began to interact and have conversations with one another. I, on the other hand, just sat there and took out my phone while everyone else talked. I'm an introvert, what do you expect?

I manage to slip my earbuds under my hair and listen to music for the rest of homeroom without anybody else noticing. The bell rang and everyone slowly quieted down as Aizawa-sensei rose from the floor still in his yellow sleeping bag. We all turn and look up at him. 

~ Flying Sparks ~ Denki Kaminari x Y/N TakamiWhere stories live. Discover now