Chapter 2: Macau

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There lay Vegas, just as I imagined him. He was covered in bandages with an apparatus to help him breathe and several complicated machines with wires going everywhere pinging and beeping. He was alone. He was totally a-

"Khun Macau," a voice rang out in surprise.

Surely I had imagined it. I took another step closer to my brother's bed, and there was that voice again.

"Khun Macau, are you okay?"

"Why are YOU here?" I screamed, lashing out.

Pete took a small step back, bowing his head and swallowing. He began to fidget, stepping from one foot to the other as I fumed, my chest heaving with rage. Of all the people, why was this idiot in the same room as my brother?

When my breathing began to balance, I saw the steady stream of tears falling from behind his dark bangs and hitting the linoleum below with heavy plops.   

"P'Pete," I groaned, and he lunged forward, enveloping me in a vice-like hold. I gripped the back of his shirt, feeling the stiffness of dried blood. I knew the bloodstains I cried into belonged to Vegas and I began to sob anew. Our cries mingled and we held each other together, both falling apart for my brother.

At some point, I passed out, because I woke up on the couch. Snot had dried in my nostrils, making it hard to breathe. The room was darker, indicating several hours had passed. Even with the main lights out, the room was illuminated enough by the several monitor displays and dim lights around the room. Over the buzzing and beeping, I could hear a muttering sound. I turned my face slowly until I could see Pete sitting in a chair next to the bed, leaning his elbows onto the mattress next to Vegas. He was holding the hand that didn't have multiple IVs in it, whispering into the skin he caressed.

"Macau is here," I heard him say in a cheerful voice. "Don't worry, Vegas," he said quickly, "Macau is very well and is unhurt. I promise to look after him while you get better."

Why was Pete talking like that? As if-

"You have to get better, my love."


Oh shit.

"Godammit!" I said, hopping to my feet. Somehow, Vegas had tricked another one, and this one was just stupid and unlucky enough to be the target when Vegas was comatose.

Pete had sprung out of his chair at my exclamation, quickly letting go of Vegas's hand. Pete had changed his clothes. He was dressed more casually, but not like I had ever seen him dress before. It suited him.

"Macau," he muttered, "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Listen, Pete," I said, unable to let him suffer any longer for a man who didn't care about him. "Vegas doesn't love you. I'm sorry, he's kind of a dick. He was just using you to get back at Kinn or something, but when he wakes up, he's not going to want you here. It's better if you know now. I'm sorry."

Pete's eyes went wide with shock and confusion before almost disappearing as a large grin plastered itself across his face, waking his deep dimples from their slumber.

Gently, he moved toward me, reaching a hand out to pat the top of my head. I was so caught off-guard by the gentle gesture that I just let him do it.

"Why don't you wash up while I get you something to eat, yeah?" he said, his voice low and soothing.

After a moment, I blinked and nodded slowly, letting myself be directed by a mere bodyguard. Who the fuck was Pete? A witch?

I took my time washing up, partially because I really looked like shit, and partially because I needed more time to contemplate Pete. Part of me was beginning to wonder if he really was an idiot. Was he sent by the Main Family to make sure Vegas didn't wake up? But then why would they bring me here? There were too many unknowns. I decided I needed to bide my time and watch him closely.

When I got out of the bathroom, having changed into the extra set of clothes someone had left for me, I was greeted by a mouth-watering smell.

"You look much better," Pete beamed at me. I felt my cheeks heat a little in response. Was I getting a fever?

I sat down at the little table, moving slowly as Pete began to pull food containers out and set them in front of me.

"I wasn't sure what to get you. Vegas doesn't like spicy food, but I called Khun Noo and he said you could handle a little spice." Pete's ears blushed scarlet when he mentioned my brother, his eyes glancing towards the sleeping form as if drawn there.

"Thanks," I muttered, suddenly ravenous.

We ate while we talked and I began to learn new things about my brother. Pete glossed over how exactly they got together, but knowing my brother's twisted mind and Pete's position, I had some ideas. I still didn't believe that my brother was being sincere with him, even though I had seen his destroyed room when Pete had magically reappeared at the Main House and I had heard him crying late into the night on multiple occasions.

I almost choked on my food when Pete let it slip that he had quit his job and was no longer under the employ of my cousins.

"I will figure something out, don't worry Nong Macau."

"No, P'Pete, I mean..." I sat, slack-jawed, trying to form a coherent sentence while also processing what he had just called me.

Putting my utensils aside, I sighed heavily and scrubbed my face.

"I meant what I said earlier, about Vegas. I don't think you are really understanding the situation. Vegas is a monster. He wouldn't want someone clinging to him."

I pulled my phone out, intending to call Kinn and beg him to hire Pete back when a firm hand stopped me from dialing. I glanced up and Pete was watching me very intently. I had never seen such a serious look in his eyes.

"I will take care of him, and of you, I promise."

I swallowed thickly, taking in his words. My brother may lack sincerity but not Pete. I barely knew the man and yet I felt like I could trust him completely.

"It's your funeral," I said, turning back to my food to hide my reddened cheeks.

Pete laughed loudly, covering his mouth in shock and glancing over to check if he had disturbed Vegas as if he were merely sleeping.

"What's so funny?" I asked, chewing slowly. Pete was constantly throwing me off as soon as I felt like I had locked onto him. Maybe he was insane.

"Nothing," he said, sighing with a grin. "I was just thinking I missed my first funeral so maybe I could catch this one."

Yep. He was definitely insane.

The Things My Eyes Have Seen (Minor Family Supremacy Series: Macau)Where stories live. Discover now