Chapter 3: Macau

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    After a week I decided I needed an appointment to get my eyes checked. Surely I had died in my sleep and was having some sort of fever dream in the afterlife. After my father's hasty funeral, I couldn't wait to get back to school. I needed a slight reprieve from the awkward situation happening at the hospital, which was like a crash I couldn't look away from.

    I would watch, unblinking, as Pete would card his fingers gently through Vegas's hair when he thought I was doing my classwork for the days I missed. Several times I walked in on Pete gently shaving Vegas's still face, adding extra caresses that didn't seem necessary to the task at hand. Pete would always blush and straighten his clothes, avoiding eye contact if he knew I caught him in the act.

    After a while, I became almost immune to it. I would sigh, just imagining my brother getting up and scolding Pete for being so weak and ridiculous, laughing in his face and pushing him away while Pete burst into tears. But what more could I do? I had tried to warn the man.

    I decided that even if my brother wanted to get rid of Pete, I might try and convince him to reconsider. Pete was actually a pretty useful guy. He would help me with my homework and would even make sure that I ate all my meals. He was even there to hold my hand when I found out that the family ring that our father had worn, signifying him as the head of the Minor Family, had been thoughtlessly given to that other bodyguard, Porsche. I knew Pete and Porsche were friends (he had talked about the guy enough to make my ears bleed) but it still hurt. Hia, and no one else, deserved that ring. Pete didn't say anything whenever I blurted out that very sentiment but I could tell he agreed with me.

    One night, after talking with the doctors and ensuring they would call him immediately if there was any change in Vegas's condition whatsoever, Pete tore himself away from Vegas's side long enough to take me back to the Minor Family home. It was strange that he wanted to personally escort me, but when we got there I found out why.

    "Hey, Pete," Porsche said, raising a hand to wave at his friend before glancing awkwardly at me. I scowled and rolled my eyes, pushing past him to get to my room while they caught up with each other. Before I reached my door, I was met with yet another surprise.

    "Ow!" the young man with wavy hair called out to me in surprise. "Macau?"

    Surely nothing else surprising would happen. I didn't think my heart could take any more major changes.

    "Chay? What are you doing at my house? Did you bring more homework or something?"

    My classmate rubbed the back of his neck and glanced behind me down the hall as if looking for someone to save him. "M-Macau, I d-didn't know you lived here," he stammered.

    "Then what are you doing here?"

    "Do you two know each other?" Porsche called from behind me. I felt a now familiar hand rub my shoulder as Pete stepped beside me, looking into my face to check my expression.

    "Someone please explain what the fuck is going on," I said in a low voice, trying my best to control my tone and not start screaming. The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass myself in front of someone from school.

    Pete brushed his palm over the top of my head quickly with one hand while his other grabbed me by the elbow to steer me into my room. I sat heavily on the bed and crossed my arms, pouting like a child told to go to his room. Pete only sighed softly and knelt down in front of me, pulling my hands into his and waiting to speak until I met his gaze.

    "Do you go to school with Chay?"

    I nodded and felt Pete squeeze my hand as he smiled appreciatively. All I did was nod and he was praising me. It felt weird but I didn't dislike it. For some reason, the more I was around Pete, the warmer I felt inside. For a brief moment, I wondered if Vegas had ever gotten to experience this feeling. Before I could think about it too much, Pete was explaining things.

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