Chapter 5: Macau

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I knew something was off when I got to Vegas's hospital room and Nop was sitting beside Vegas rather than Pete. I glanced at my brother. Nope. Still comatose. Had Pete come to his senses and fled the premises?

"Khun Macau," Nop said, jumping to his feet. "Khun Pete had to go get...something."

"Khun Pete?" I said, not used to hearing it.

Nop began to fidget. "Well, yes, I mean. It's appropriate given his new status as Khun Vegas's lover."

Okay. Going to file that under 'think about asking Nop for info at a later date'.

Before I could ask what he was planning on getting, the door burst open and Pete was wheeling in a hospital bassinet with two nurses following close behind.

"Oh! Macau. You're here early!"

I didn't want to say that I ditched my last class, so I just mumbled incoherently while Pete beamed with excitement.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked, glancing between Pete, who looked like a magician presenting his most marvelous trick, and Nop, who looked like he would rather be anywhere but where he was.

"Language, Macau! You can't fucking swear in front of my son!"

Ignoring the contradiction, I immediately jumped onto the last word he said. Son. Did Pete have a son? Was he cheating on my brother? Or did he cheat on his pregnant girlfriend with the devil himself? This was getting too complicated.

"What son?" I had to stop myself from feeling jealous. I mean it wasn't as if Pete considered me as a son, right? That would be insane.

I moved a little closer to the bassinet and observed the squirming bundle of hospital blankets with the little beanie on its scrunched-up face. It was definitely a baby. But where did it come from?

"Where did you get it?" I asked, nonchalantly.

Pete gave a heavy sigh, his bubble burst as he said, "You aren't the top of your class, are you, Nong Macau?"

I wanted to take offense, but he wasn't off the mark, so I let it slide. Then it hit me.

"No. No way. Vegas won't allow it."

Pete grumbled as if Vegas's thoughts on the matter didn't concern him and began to making cooing sounds as he leaned over to carefully pick up the baby. I heard small soft noises as Pete settled the baby carefully against him, lightly cradling the neck and planting soft kisses onto its head.

"She left him, Macau. She just left him. I already filled out the paperwork and Khun Kinn made sure the baby is mine and mine alone."

Part of me felt a little bad for the small bundle. It really sucked, feeling unwanted. He hadn't even been alive long enough to cause offense in any way. All he did was exist.

Pete carefully walked towards my brother, making gentle noises to soothe the baby as he sat carefully onto the bed and began to speak to Vegas.

"My love, we have a son. I know it's a shock, but I'm sure you will love him as much as I do. I want to name him like you, so I am going to call him Venice. Venice Boribun."


Pete nodded, adding, "Venice like the city, and Boribun because he completes our family." With that, he went to put the baby back in the bassinet, talking to the nurses before they wheeled the baby back out. Nop slid out of the room after them, nodding at Pete as he went.

When we were alone in the room again, Pete turned to me and said, "I can't leave him, Macau. I hope you understand. He's the last thing left of your father, besides both of you. But your father will never taint him. Venice will be raised by us, and he will be loved so much, right?"

I sighed, nodding. It was hard to deny Pete anything when he looked at you so sincerely with his big eyes and his dimples.

"You will have to deal with Vegas when he wakes up." I said, laying down on the couch to close my eyes. I could feel a headache starting.

Pete clapped a little, having won me over on the subject, before going back to sit next to Vegas, holding his hand and stroking his face as he talked and talked.

"P'Pete?" I murmured, hearing a hum in response. "What do you see in my brother?"

The silence that followed made me open my eyes. I expected to see a deer in headlights sort of look, but Pete surprised me yet again. His eyes were gentle and soft as they gazed full of love at my brother.

"Vegas is everything to me, Macau," he said. "He knows just how to break me, but he can also put me back together like no one else. He just needs love. And I just want to give it to him."

I closed my eyes again quickly as Pete leaned over to place a gentle kiss on Vegas's lips.

"Whatever floats your boat," I grumbled, rolling over to take a nap.

After that day, Venice was in Vegas's room often. Pete was running all over the place, interviewing nannies and making sure the baby's room was properly set up at our house. Overall, the house was becoming a more inviting place. Porsche used a strict hand to maintain order but was lax enough to keep the atmosphere lighter. Pete was redecorating and especially making sure to baby-proof the whole place.

"He won't be crawling for a while, you know?" Porsche said in disbelief as Pete kept checking and rechecking the cabinet locks while Chay and I watched, silently eating apple slices.

"Well, I won't have as much time later, once Vegas wakes up."

"It's fine!" Porsche exclaimed, grabbing a cabinet handle. "I can't even open the fucking cabinet, Pete. How is an infant going to?"

"Hia!" Chay exclaimed, and Porsche lifted his hands in surrender. The light caught on the ring on his hand and I winced.

"Sorry, Chay, I won't swear around the baby."

Chay smiled, pleased by his brother's response and I rolled my eyes.

"You guys do realize that we are the fucking mafia, right? I don't think swearing is the thing we have to worry about the most," I said, tossing another apple slice in my mouth and chewing thoughtfully.

Pete paled and leaned against the fridge. "Oh my god, he's right," he said, pressing both palms firmly against his cheeks. "Oh no. Why didn't I think of that? What am I going to do? What if his friends at school ask him what his dad does?"

Porsche began to laugh. "I thought you were getting ahead of yourself with the locks and gates but damn, Pete. He's not ready for school for years!"

"You don't know that!" Pete blurted. "My Venice is going to be very smart like his Daddy Vegas!"

The room went silent and Pete flushed red.

Suddenly, Kinn entered the kitchen and said, "Sounds like it's not the first time you've called Vegas 'Daddy', huh?"

Pete made a sputtering sound before screeching something about checking on Venice's room as he ran upstairs.

"Ew," I said, dropping the apple slice I was about to eat back onto the plate, my appetite gone. "That's an image I didn't ever need."

Kinn laughed as Porsche smacked him on the shoulder before leaning in for a kiss.

"And that's an image I didn't need," Chay said. "Macau, let's go play video games."

I nodded a desperate agreement and followed him quickly out of the room as Kinn yelled, "Who deadbolted all the fucking cabinets?"

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