Chapter 7: Macau

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In the months following Vegas's discharge from the hospital, many adjustments were made by our entire little family unit. Pete got used to ruling over us all, while Vegas got used to sharing him with Venice (and myself if I'm totally honest). Venice got used to being completely spoiled by the entire family, and I got used to my new role as a big brother and Chay's friend.

I also got very used to the new nanny.

"What would you like to do after we take Venice to the beach?" Nim asked, spooning a portion of disgusting-looking baby food into Venice's waiting mouth. Venice had gotten chubby, thanks to Pete and Nim making sure he was well-fed. His fat little hands smacked at the tray table in front of him, splattering baby food all over the rest of us sitting at the table.

"Careful, baby, you're making a mess on Daddy's nice clothes," Pete said in a sing-song voice and Venice squealed excitedly in response. Pete looked at Vegas to apologize, but Vegas just shrugged and grabbed a napkin to wipe his shirt off. Hia had gotten much more relaxed thanks to Pete's unrelenting care and patience. I was still getting used to the idea of my manipulative and psychotic brother being truly and madly in love with someone.

Pete took over feeding Venice so Nim could grab his breakfast as he said, "Ummm, let's see how we feel after the beach. I'm hoping Venice will want to go down for a long nap, but he might have other plans."

Nim laughed and said, "Very true. Venice does like to swim against the current."

"The little monster better take a nap so I can have some alone time with his Pa Pete," Vegas grumbled under his breath as he ripped a big bite out of his toast.

"Vegas! Not at the breakfast table!" Pete admonished, and Venice began to fuss as well.

"Oh, so not AT the breakfast table, but ON it is fine?" Vegas retorted and I almost threw up in my mouth.

"Guys, seriously!" I whined. "Can you please just go ONE DAY?"

Vegas smirked at Pete's annoyed face, blowing him a kiss, which only irritated him further.

I would never understand their relationship, nor did I want to.

"Sorry, Nim," I muttered as he sat back down at the table.

Nim was young. Only a couple of years older than me. He was cute as well. At first, I wasn't sure why Pete wanted to hire him over the other, perhaps more qualified candidates. Pete had assured me he had made the right decision. He knew in his gut. Others might be better at the job, but they were a potential liability if someone threatened their family or offered them the right price. Nim had the right certificates and training, but more importantly, he had earned Pete's trust. I had asked Pete if he was worried about having another cute guy in the house and Pete had looked at me as if I had sprouted a second head that had started swearing at him.

Later, Vegas came up to me to assure me that he only had eyes for Pete and assured me and that he and Pete trusted each other completely. I assured him that I didn't give a shit.

Nim was very good-looking, I thought as I watched him smiling at Venice. Vegas must have caught me staring again because I felt him kick me gently under the table.

"After the beach, why don't we take Venice for a walk to make sure he takes a nap so these two freaks can do whatever kinky shit they want and we don't have to be in the house to hear it?" I suggested.

Nim turned to look at me and I saw his eyes grow large at my directness. He would just have to get used to it if he was going to be my boyfriend one day.

"Um, yeah, that sounds like a great plan."

"Cool, it's a date, then," I said. Before he could correct me, I hopped up to get ready to leave for uni. Chay had texted that he was coming downstairs soon so we could head to campus together.

Kim was on tour, so Chay was being extra clingy, but I didn't want Nim to get the wrong idea, so I tried to be more direct with my flirting so Nim would get the message. It was still too early to tell if it was working yet or not.

While I waited by the car, I thought about all the things I had seen in my short life. Most of them were traumatic, but recently it was like I was constantly seeing little miracles everywhere. Venice himself was a little miracle. My brother finally finding love and compassion was a major miracle. Pete was absolutely heaven-sent. We were still learning how to live together along with Chay, Porsche, and Nim. Vegas began to work alongside Porsche, and Pete had started to find his balance of being a family member of his former employers. We learned about each other more every day, and I learned to knock before going into my brother's room. Better yet, I learned to avoid his entire wing of the house. It was better for my sanity.

"You ready?" Chay asked as he skipped towards the car.

"Yeah, let's go," I said.

When we got in the car Chay said, "Did you ask him on a date yet?"

I smiled and began to tell Chay of my plans to win Nim over. I knew that he would involve Thankhun and it would get blown way out of proportion, but what could I do? I loved my little batshit crazy family. I just hoped nothing would catch on fire this time...

A/N: We have made it to the end! I also have a standalone fic about Pete called The Devil's Boxer.

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