Competition Day

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"This is it guys. Championship time." Max says as he, Alexis, PJ, and Bobby are in the locker room.

"Good luck out there guys. You'll beat them. I know you can do it." Alexis says reassuringly.

"Thanks Alexis and thanks guys for not letting me quit." Max says as he smiles.

"What are friends for?" PJ asks.

"Hey uh Alexis I was curious about something." Bobby says nervously.

"Yes?" Alexis asks.

"Would you uh maybe wanna go on a date when the games are over?" Bobby asks shyly.

"Wow the great smooth talking Bobby is shy. This is a welcomed first." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Yeah... I just don't wanna make a fool out of myself in front of the most beautiful and awesome girl I've ever met and known." Bobby says.

"You could never make a fool out of yourself in front of me. I'd love to. Anywhere and any time is good for me." Alexis says as she smiles as Goofy comes in the locker room.

"Hiya fellers and uh lady." Goofy says nervously.

"Oh um...hi Mr. Goof." PJ says as Bobby and Max open their lockers.

"Yeesh Max I know you're yet sore at me but I came to warn you that the Gammas have been cheating all along." Goofy says as he goes over to Max.

"Oh yes! Did Bradley warn you to say that? Stop wasting my time Dad. I have to stay focused." Max says harshly as he, Bobby, and PJ go out the doors.

"Come on Mr. Goof. We should let them be." Alexis says as she leaves with Goofy.


"Ohh ladies and gentlemen! Put on your seat belts and hold onto your hats. Oh my! It's time for the high-flying, gravity-defying no-time-for-weeping College X-Games! And here they come! All righty now. We'll begin with the eight qualifying teams in a semifinal round until we're down to the two best teams. Then they'll be fighting for first place at the College X-Games Championship!" The announcer shouts as games begin.


"The semifinals have resulted in just Team One and Team 99 going head-to-head in the finals. The grueling competition has really taken its toll on the athletes this afternoon. But now let's strap in for our final and deciding event. The X-Games triathlon. Yes we're seconds away from what promises to be an emotional finale between these 2 fierce competitors." The announcer says.

"Down to the last competition. Those boys gotta be feeling the pressure." Tara says.

"Let's just hope nothing else happens." Alexis says before PJ flies off due to his skates.

"Oh no. PJ!" Tara shouts.

"The Gammas. Brad must of had them put something on his skates. And without another member they'll have to forfeit." Alexis says in concern.

"Oh seems we have a little delay here folks. Team 99's short a man and will be disqualified if one is not found in just one-and-a-half moments." the announcer says before max takes his microphone.

"Dad it's me Max. If you're out there...and dad relax. I'm not in danger. It's just the team needs you. I need you." Max says as he gets off the microphone before Goofy comes running and quickly joins Max's group.

"Looks like the dad came through for his son." Tara says.

"And good timing." Alexis says happily.


"Take your positions. On your mark! Get set. Go!" The ref says shooting off his starter gun as the race begins with everyone watching before Alexis sees as Bobby gets thrown off his bike.

"Bobby! Oh no." Alexis says as she gets up.

"Alexis wait. It's dangerous on the track." Tara says as she sees Alexis going down the stairs.

"I don't care." Alexis says as she runs off.


"Bobby!" Alexis shouts as she finds Bobby on the ground near his bike.

"Alexis. It's dangerous on the track." Bobby says as Alexis helps him to sit up.

"I know and I don't care. Are you alright?" Alexis asks.

"I am now." Bobby says as he smiles.

"Okay silver tongue let's get you off this track." Alexis says as she helps Bobby up.

"Max!" Bobby shouts as he and Alexis go over to the stands and see Max and Tank enter a giant X with Goofy as it catches fire.

"Max!" PJ shouts as he comes over with Tara.

"He's alright!" Bobby says as they then see Max, Goofy, and Tank come out on a skateboard before Goofy and Tank jump off a Max goes for the finish line before he then wins as people cheer for him.

"Max won." alexis says happily before she kisses Bobby causing him to chuckle shyly.

Inseperable Hearts An Extremely Goofy Movie Bobby X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now