Problem Child?

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Uraraka's Pov

He always acted so happy, he was the funny friend...

What could've happened to push him to do this? Why didn't he tell anyone?

"I- I wanna feel h-happy again! Th-thats all I w-want!" Deku sobbed into my shoulder. "I-its pathetic..."

Is that how he really feels?

"Deku, it's not pathetic, y-you can always talk to me..." I said, still trying to calm him.

Deku didn't say anything in response, he just hugged me and sobbed a little harder.

Aizawa's Pov

They're a pain in the ass, but I worry about this damn class. I hope they're doing okay. I guess they're the closest thing I'll have to children other than Eri and Shinso...

A panicked and panting Iida and Yaoyorozu burst into my office, surprising me.

"M---Mister Aizawa! Ple---please come to the---dormitory! It's an em---ergen---cy! M---Midoriya tried to---..."

The rest of that sentence was a scramble of words, involving 'jump,' 'roof,' 'Uraraka,' and 'cry.'

Problem child? Midoriya wouldn't...

As quickly as I can, I follow the two class reps to the dormitory, and to not cause a scene in the actual dorms, I use my scarf to haul us up onto the roof.

And there he was, my problem child, crying near the edge of a roof.

Thank god he's not dead...

What do I do from here? Mic's incident was easier since he was my age, what do I do?

"Uraraka, help bring Midoriya into my office, don't worry, it's closed off from other teachers," I say, trying to stay calm. We use Uraraka's quirk to get down off of the roof, to once again, not make a scene.

As we get to my office, I say, "Uraraka, I believe it'd be best if you hea-" but I get interrupted by the boy, still latched onto her, saying, "n-no... let her stay, p-please..."

What the? Should I let her stay? Is it a bad idea to make her go?

"I- okay then, she can stay," I say, motioning the two to sit on the couch.

"B-before you st-start talking and asking me s-stuff, can I as-ask a question?" Midoriya said, I nodded.

"Why was Iida and Yaoyorozu there?"

"I'm assuming because Iida was the one to run Yaoyorozu here to get me," I respond, Uraraka nods.

"Can they not tell anyone? I don't want the entire class as-asking me questions," Midoriya says, I nod.

Iida and Momo won't reveal anything like this to their classmates unless specifically asked to.

"I'm going to ask a few questions, if uh, you're ready. If not, that's okay, you and Uraraka can stay here a while, so you can calm down," I say.

Bakugou's Pov

Great, its already 2-fucking-pm and I haven't done a thing but lay in bed and scroll on my damn phone.

"Bakubro! You should get up, get some blood pumping!" Shitty-hair says, practically jumping up and down.

"And do what? Pace around the damn common room? We're not even allowed off school grounds for fucks sake," I respond, turning my phone off, and getting up.

"You say that, and yet you still listen to me," Shitty-hair says, "don't fuckin' push me, hair-for-brains," I respond.

Why the fuck do I have to share a dorm with this idiot? Isn't there like, one more dorm open?

I go into the bathroom, shower, brush my hair, brush my teeth, all that shit, when I hear a noise outside.

I check, and all I see is ashes or some shit on the ground.

Icy-hot must be practicing his damn fire quirk or something...

I adjust my hair a bit more in the mirror, when suddenly my mind wanders off.

Why do I always pick fights with Deku? It's not like he did anything wrong. Am I just a horrible person?

What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I be normal? Why can't I be nice?

Why do other people have to be weak for me to feel strong?

I hear a knock on the door and it makes me jump, I look in the mirror and realize I was tearing up. "Bakubro, you good? You've been in there a good 60 minutes," Hair-for-brains says, "I-I just can't get my fuckin' hair to work today," I say, washing my face off, hoping it goes less red.

I walk out of the bathroom, and damn Shitty-hair is staring at me.

Fuck. He noticed my face, dammit.

"Baku...bro? Were you...uh...c-"


"That was...uh...really defensive. Are you sure?"

"I-yes I'm fine, dammit."

"Yeahhh I don't believe you."

I just stand there in silence for a second, before saying, "fuck oFf."

Shit, why'd my voice have to crack now? Why the fuck am I tearing up again? Don't cry, you fucking weakling. Real heroes don't cry.

And he HAD to notice! Fuccckkk.

Kirishima gently sits me down on the bed, forcefully enough that I can't  resist, but not like throwing me either.

"Bakugou, is- can I- can I hel-" he starts, I just say, "no," coldly.

The he suddenly grabs my chin, and makes me face him. I don't know why, but I don't have that screaming urge to move, that burning one to not let him in.

I study his face, I see nothing but worry. No anger, no annoyance, no frustration.

"'re not like...pissed off at me for..." I say very quietly, not finishing my sentence.

He seems surprised. "Wh-what do you mean? Of course I'm not 'pissed off' at you for being a normal human with emotions!" He says, finally.

What does he mean? Everyone got super fuckin' mad whenever I shed a single tear!"

Katsuki's flashback

"Damn it Katsuki! If you keep crying, I'll give ya something to cry about!" Mom said, holding the belt that she hit me with anytime I cried too much.

Why can't I stop crying? I don't wanna get hit! Stop! Stop!

Flashback end

And suddenly I'm crying more.

Shit shit shit! Stop fucking crying dammit!

But instead of hitting me, or telling me to suck it up, all Kirishima does is...hug me?

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