Chapter One

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Junior year. Finally an upperclassman.

The summer had been different from the usual ones I had had before Glee Club. I would see some of my friends from Glee here and there, and of course seeing Finn a lot was even weirder. I would see Rachel a lot as well since the two started dating this summer.

Me and Kurt were as usual, the Hummel Duo. Inseparable as always, watching Rent every Friday night, thrifting, going on long drives through the Ohio countryside, so, so eventful.

We came into school together on the first day, heading towards class only to find Jacob Israel doing a video for his vlog. Finn had texted us warning us that he was going around to all of the Glee Clubbers asking questions. My brother and I weren't an exception.

"Go away," I said as he and his cameraman followed us.

"When will you Glee Clubbers accept the fact that people hate you . . ."

"Kiss it," Kurt said as we tried to get him to stop.

" . . . and I think you're nothing but a glorified karaoke club."

"Go away, go away," Kurt said as he and I went into our respective bathrooms. I reapplied my mascara before sending a text to my brother to let me know when he was going to come out so I didn't have to brave Jacob alone.

He texted me back quickly telling me he was coming out. We both walked out of the bathroom to find sure enough, the pervert was there.

"You know what, Jacob? It doesn't take much courage for people to park their cottage-cheese behinds in their Barcaloungers and log on to the Internet and start tearing people down, does it? But you know what does take some courage? Standing up and singing about something," Kurt turned to the camera. "So, here's a message for everything that reads your blog. Next time, instead of posting an anonymous comment online, say what you have to say to my face."

We both then got slushied by one of the jocks as he made his way down the halls, "Welcome back, ladies!"

I wiped the slush out of my eyes before turning to Jacob, "I don't suppose there's any way you could cut out that last part?"

He shook his head before wiping some of the slush off my cheek before licking it off his finger. I shook my head in disgust before linking arms with my brother, going back into the girl's room to get cleaned up.

* * * * *

"These are comments from Jacob Ben Israel's most recent Glee Club blog," Mr. Schue said, holding sheets of paper in his hand in our first rehearsal of the year. "'Glee is a giant ball of suck'."

"We get it, Mr. Schue. Everyone still hates us," Kurt said. "So what? So we're plankton on the high school food chain. Only difference now is that none of us really care."

"Kurt's right," Mercedes said. "We're a family. They can bring it all they want. None of it is gonna break us."

"I'm happy that you guys have bonded. The problem is that all of this negative stuff is keeping other students from auditioning," Mr. Schue said.

"Good. Why do we need new members?" Tina asked.

"Well, since Matt transferred, we only have twelve members. And yes, that is the minimum, but if we wanna go to nationals, if we wanna beat Vocal Adrenaline, we have to go from a small rebel force to a giant wall of sound."

"Yeah, Mr. Schuester's right you guys," Rachel said, standing up. "You didn't see Vocal Adrenaline at regionals. They were epic. We're gonna need more voices in order to beat them."

Kimberly: Book Two of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now