Chapter Nine

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One of my favorite times of the year finally came, and McKinley was pulling out all the stops for it. Christmas.

    I may be an atheist, but something about Christmas and the mood just made me feel comfortable.

    Us Glee kids were decorating the choir room, and what a better thing to do than to sing as we did it.

Tina with New Directions Girls:

We're on the island of misfit toys

Here we don't wanna stay

Artie with New Directions Boys:

We want to travel with Santa Claus

Artie with New Directions:

In his magic sleigh


A pack full of toys means a sack full of joys

For millions of girls and for millions of boys

Artie with New Directions:

When Christmas Day is here

The most wonderful day of the year


A jack-in-the-box waits for children to shout


Wake up!

Don't you know that it's time to come out!

New Directions:

When Christmas Day is here

The most wonderful day of the year

Artie with New Directions:

Toys galore scattered on the floor

There's no room for more

And it's all because of Santa Claus


A scooter for Jimmy


A dolly for Sue


The kind that will even say


"How do you do?"

Tina with New Directions:

When Christmas Day is here

The most wonderful day of the year


How'd you like to be a spotted elephant?


Or a choo-choo with square wheels on your caboose!


Or a water pistol that shoots..... jelly?

New Directions:

We're all Misfits!

Artie and Tina with New Directions:

If we're on the island of unwanted toys

We'll miss all the fun with the girls and the boys

When Christmas Day is here

The most wonderful, wonderful

Kimberly: Book Two of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now