Chapter 2

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Shining Armor looked at Nightmare Moon a little aggressively. "If only what we're true?" He asked trying to stay calm so he didn't lose Twilight for good. "If only it were true that I lied, I told you the truth, simple as that." Said Nightmare smirking. "Maybe but you didn't tell us the full story, I talked to Cadence and she told me parts you didn't." Said Shining Armor. "So I left out a small detail here and there the big picture and main idea of both ways conveys the same point, that I was the victim while my sister did nothing, now down to your punishment, you have two choices, you either truly bow down and serve me or I strip you of your magic and then decide what your final punishment should be." Said Nightmare Moon. "My Queen, let me deal with his punishment, you go about your duties." Said Twilight as she had managed to get a grip on her emotions. "Very well my advisor, but don't take too long." Said Nightmare before she walked out of the dungeons to go about her day in a normal fashion. Twilight waited until she was gone to look at her brother both angry and sad. She walked up to the cage with her horn glowing but what happened was something Shining Armor didn't expect

The door to the cell slowly crept open as Twilight was setting him free. "You believe me?" Asked Shining with hope in his voice. This received him a slap to the face. "No, but I'm still your sister and I won't let her hurt you, so here's what's going to happen, I'm going to take your memories of Nightmare Moon's forces and plans, as well as most your magic leaving you just enough for basic levitation and protection spells, then I will transport you out of here and to the Crystal Empire where you will stay." Said Twilight as she began his punishment.


Meanwhile not too far from the Crystal Empire train station stood a pink alicorn with light purple eyes as she was worried about her friend and fiancé. She knew he couldn't leave his sister but she didn't like him being so close to Nightmare Moon. As she was watching the train station hoping the crystal train would pull in she didn't notice one of her guards running up. "Princess Cadence, there is a male unicorn unconscious in the empire's plaza." Said the guard. Cadence looked at Flash Sentry and nodded her head. "Lead the way." She said as she began following him to the town plaza where she gasped as she saw Shining Armor unconscious on his side. She ran over to make sure he was alright but she got her answer when he woke up and looked around confusedly. "Shining Armor, what happened to you?" Asked Cadence shocked he was here and even more shocked she missed him arrive. "I don't know." He said as he held his head to shake out the headache he was feeling. Cadence was worried and brought him into the castle.


Twilight walked out of the dungeons annoyed at what she had to do but it was for the best after all she knew the memories Nightmare Moon revealed to her were the true memories after all her spell she'd done on herself made it so she saw through illusion memories. She walked into the throne room addressing Nightmare what she had done to punish Shining Armor. While Nightmare wasn't happy she released the prisoner without her permission she knew Twilight would've done it either way so she didn't mind too much. "I'm sorry you had to do that Twilight, why don't you take the rest of the week off." Suggested Nightmare. "No, with the Night Time Celebration coming so soon I refuse." She said before she left to go tend to her duties. "That mare just refuses to relax, but then again that's what I like about her." Said Nightmare to herself as she chuckled softly.

(The illusion memory thing will be revealed in a later chapter, so for now don't spend time wondering why she did such a specific spell on herself.)

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