Chapter 3

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Princess Cadence was discussing with some other ponies about what has happened to Shining Armor. "We need to put a stop to Nightmare Moon, I refuse to celebrate the stupid night one more time." Said a orange unicorn who was known as Sunset Shimmer. "Easy Sunset, I know you were Celestia's student before Twilight, but you can't let Nightmare know you are back." Said Starlight as she put a hoof on her shoulder. "I agree with Sunset, while it is important to plan this out so we you know survive, we need to take action or we may never get the opening we need." Said Sunburst. "Well whatever you all do remember that the Crystal Empire must remain neutral because if we aren't then the night magic will penetrate the magic barrier around the empire." Said Cadence as their meeting went on for another hour.


Meanwhile on the far outskirts of Equestria a large menacing looking Unicorn with his left eye burned permanently shut, was staring in the direction of Canterlot. "I swear Twilight, I will get my revenge on you and Celestia." Said the figure as he began walking once more. He was determined to finish what he had started 7 years ago and if things don't go his way this time, he will not hesitate to go through with his plans. As he walked he began to think back on that day 7 years ago when it all happened.

[Flashback Begin]

"No Drake Rider, I am sorry but no, I will not marry you, I am too young to be getting married." Said Twilight Sparkle as she began to walk past him. "Fine but if you leave I can't guarantee that your father and mothers medications will still be there when they come to pick them up." Said Drake as he looked at Twilight with his charcoal eyes. Twilight looked at him in shock and fear. "What, you can't do that?!" She said angrily and sacredly. "Oh but I can, after all it is my families ship, so I can do what I want when I want." He said smirking. "Now I will give you till tonight when I come to pick you up for our date to decide if your parents lives are worth more than this." He said smirking as he left. As soon as he left Twilight teleported to her room at Canterlot castle and began to cry which didn't go unnoticed by her guards one of which immediately reported to Princess Celestia.

Celestia knew whatever happened it had to have been bad to make her this upset so she went to Twilights room and gently knocked on her door. "Twilight, may I enter?" She asked as she wanted to be polite during this ordeal. After receiving a yes Celestia walked into the room and got in the bed holding Twilight close so she may cry. "What's wrong my star?" She asked gently. Twilight proceeded to explain everything that had taken place from the marriage proposal to the threat made by Drake. Hearing all of this made Celestia infuriated but she didn't show it. "Don't worry Twilight, I shall take care of this." Said Celestia as she used a spell to put Twilight to sleep while also erasing Drake from her memories replacing them with false ones.

That night Drake came to Canterlot Castle and told the guards he was here to escort Twilight Sparkle on a date and requested they bring her to him, however instead they escorted Princess Celestia out of the castle. "I said I was here to see Twilight not Princess Celestia, not that I am not honored your highness." He said as he bowed down. "Get up Drake, I am here to tell you this, you will not be dating Twilight Sparkle, you will leave her alone and you will give her family their medications like any other pony." She said as she was already angry. "Heh, yeah, sorry Princess but my family has one of your ancestors tokens so we only have to take your rulings under advisement unless they are a matter of life and death, this is not so sorry but not sorry." Said Drake as he proceeded to walk past. "Then you leave me no choice." She said angrily as she fired a spell which was supposed to put him in chains but instead it burned the flesh around his eye shut so his left eye was useless and at the same time transported him to who knows where.

[Flashback End]

He growled angrily as he thought about that day and swore that he would find some way to end Celestia and make certain Twilight would regret every second of her life from now on.

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