Lost In Darkness

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In the last chapter you were exposed to the academy and nearly killed had it not been for team RWBY coming to your aid soon followed by the teachers who quickly have you treated as Blake remains with you.

A week later

After your near death situation which was a week ago Blake remained with you as her team came by to check on her and you as they also bring her some food but today Blake was wasing up her plate as you got up without a sound and walk towards her.

Blake: "Huh?".

As Blake turns around she sees you standing there before jumping on her which made her fall to the ground as you pin her to the floor but as Blake looked in your eyes all she saw was hunger and she knew it was coming but in that moment it scared her as you open your mouth showing your fangs before moving towards her neck.

Blake: "[First name] wake up please".

Blake begins to fear she might actually die here as she couldn't move as you prick her neck drawing a drop of blood which makes her eyes widen.

Blake: "[FIRST NAME]".

Blake's scream snaps you out of your daze as you move away but what Blake saw as she sat up was the horror in your eyes as she fels her neck but you run out not wanting to be around her and Blake runs after you.

Blake: "[First name] wait?".

Me: "Stay away".

I hop into a shadow and vanish so Blake couldn't follow me and I just keep running as I pop out in a dark alley way in Vale but I just sit up near the corner and cry as the memories of my past flood back.

Me: "Not again please not again".

I sat there with tears as I also felt sick at what I was about to do to Blake she had been kind to me and yet I saw her as only food people were right I was a monster as I stay there hiding from the people wishing this curse would end.

To Blake

After you vanished Blake ran back to her dorm and fetched her team before informing Ozpin of what happened and he gave her three bags of blood which she needed to give you but now she needs to find you which was not going to be easy.

Blake: "I hope he's ok".

Yang: "He'll be fine I'm sure of it".

Weiss: "He can't of got far and since the sun is still up he can't move around much so he must still be in Vale".

Ruby: "Lets search for him".

As they arrive in Vale Ruby takes the north side, Weiss the south side, Yang is west side and Blake is the east side they start asking around asking if anyone had seen a boy with white hair and red eyes but no one had as Blake was running everywhere in her search.

Blake: ([First name] where are you?).

Blake was starting to get tired as she noticed the sun was starting to set which means she was running out of time to find you as she ran down another street but as she did an alley way which looked quite dark caught her eyes as she heads and soon noticed you sat on the floor curled up in a ball before you noticed her and go to leave but collapse to the ground as she holds you.

Blake: "[First name] your going to be ok I have some blood for you".

Me: "Don't want it".

Blake: "But your going to die without it".

Me: "I don't care I hurt people I'm just a monster I nearly hurt you so I refuse it".

I soon feel a strong pain in my chest as my breathing becomes rapid but as I look at Blake a painful feeling in my chest came but why was that, why was seeing her sad making my chest hurt it made no sense to me as I soon feel her hand touch my cheek.

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