Season 4: Fall Of The Maidens

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As the war begins to reach it's end everyone began to wonder just how many of them had fallen in battle but team RWBY regroup as Cinder takes them on.

Cinder: "You four are pathetic".

Ruby lay on the ground as did Weiss, Yang and Blake but as Cinder was about to attack the helpless Ruby both Raven and Winter jump in and prevent her attack and soon the battle between the winter maiden, fall maiden and spring maiden begins.

Cinder: "Raven have you fallen for the lies of survival because facing me is a mistake".

Raven: "I made mistakes that much is sure but I am proud of my mistakes because I got to see the thing I care about the most grow".

Winter: "As a maiden it's our duty to defeat you here and now".

Winter rushed in but Cinder managed to defend herself but Raven does go for a sneak attack but Cinder moves making Winter fall into Raven before blasting them both to the ground but Raven quickly rebounds and makes a rush at Cinder but missed until Winter joins in and Raven grazed Cinder's cheek.

Cinder: "BACK AWAY".

Cinder released a wave of maiden power which send everyone flying before rushing Winter and punched her over and over as Raven made a rush towards Cinder however she was soon caught off guard which allows Cinder to counter with a knee to the chin until she looked at Weiss and Yang before coming up with an evil plan.

Cinder: "So you both can defend yourselves but how about them".

Raven and Winter see Cinder point shards of glass at Yang and Weiss before launching them but Raven protects Yang as Winter protected Weiss but in doing so they both got stabbed in the heart before falling into their arms but just as Cinder smiled Ruby and Blake rush in to attack.

To Yang

Yang: "Mom hold on please".

Raven: "My baby girl (cough) I'm so proud to see the woman you have become and I know I have been a shitty mother but I never once forgot how much you meant to me and Tai that goof is still (cough) the most wonderful man I ever knew and I'm glad I got to bring you into this world it's the only good thing I've done".

Yang: "No you have done so many more you saved me even when you didn't have to and to me it doesn't matter if you leave our family or joined Salem because in the end your still my mother and I will always love you for that".

Raven smiled as she weakly reached up to wipe her daughters tears away and as Yang holds her mothers hand she smiled because after all this time she got to feel her mothers touch but this was short lived as her Raven became limp and her hand falls as Yang saw the life had faded from her eyes and the tears start flowing.


To Weiss

Weiss held Winter in her arms as she sees Winter struggle to breath but still tries to speak to her little sister.

Winter: "Weiss (cough) for a long time I watched you follow everything you were told but when you took off to learn at Beacon I saw a change in you and it's thanks to that Ruby girl she (cough) she gave you the thing you most wanted a friend and because of that I have no doubt you'll be a fine huntress".

Weiss: "Winter please don't leave me".

Winter: "Listen Weiss your a (cough) a Schnee and you must lead the family in the right direction after all your my little sister".

Weiss cries as Winter finally loses the last of her strength and dies as Weiss holds her close to her chest and cries over the lose.

Weiss: "AHHHHHHHH!".

As this happens Ruby and Blake see before Cinder knocked them to the ground and floats in the air above them as Yang and Weiss full of rage jump at her but just like before she pushed them away and they fall next to Ruby and Blake.

Cinder: "How pathetic even those maidens couldn't beat me so what makes you four any different".

Cinder soon got interrupted by a gun shot but not just any gun shot but a sniper shot as team RWBY looks in the direction the bullet came from what they saw was Selina and Neo but Selina was now missing her left arm.

Back to the explosion

Neo and Selina were about to get caught in the explosion which Roman caused as his last trick but Selina was quick and pulls Neo and herself into a shadow however she was a little slow getting in the shadow as the shadow closed around her left arm which soon was cut off.

Back to the present


Ruby nods as she rushed at Cinder but Cinder was about to escape from Ruby's reach only to soon be stopped by Blake, Yang and Weiss who were all floating just like Cinder proving that all the maidens powers had gone to them Yang became the spring maiden, Weiss the winter maiden and Blake the summer maiden.

Cinder: "NO THIS CAN'T BE".

Ruby: "BUT IT IS".

Cinder soon looks up and see Ruby in front of her as Ruby pulls out her scythe and swings it at Cinder's neck which soon left her body and in the last moments of Cinder's life she thought about Ruby and how much she pissed her off and that was all it took for Ruby to become the new fall maiden just as they they rushed towards Salem's base they see Mikael stood over a defeated Grimm summer.

Mikael: "I'm sorry Ruby but I had to".

Ruby: "I know and thank you".

After that every rushed in as me and Dark Salem were locked in combat but I didn't have my mask on and I wasn't using my demon sword and yet I was on equal footing with Dark Salem as I jump back and land next to the others.

Me: "Took you long enough".

Mikael: "Well following the plan wasn't easy after all we never expected the maiden powers to get past on to team RWBY".

Selina: "Hey you all had it easy because of that bastard Torchwick I lost an arm".

Neo: "I think it's cool".

Me: "I love this team and when we stand united nothing can bring us down now lets end this war".

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