Season 4: The Pain Of JNR

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Suring the battle with Dark Salem's forces team JNR was locked in battle with a special Grimm who's identity was unknown.

Jaune: "Ren, Nora flower power".

Ren rushed in and begins attacking the special Grimm but it blocks him with her weapon which was a sword as Nora jumps over Ren and front flips to build a charge as she goes to smash her hammer into the ground but is block by the special Grimm's second weapon a sheild as she kicks Ren away as she made Nora jump back to Jaune and Ren.

Nora: "She is good".

Ren: "I agree but something feels familiar about like we have seen her before".

Jaune: "Right now she is the enemy and we have to push through her to give backup to the other".

Ren and Nora nod as they plan their next attack as the female Grimm rushed in and attacks Nora which was a smart move since she was clearly the muscle of the group, Ren was the quickness and Jaune the brains but Nora wasn't going down that easy as she managed to stop herself from being pushed away and goes for a counter but missed when the Grimm blocks with it's sheild again however this left it open to Jaune.

Jaune swings his sword and slashed it's mask clean through making the Grimm jump back as Nora and Ren stand by Jaune's side as the now broken mask falls the the ground and shatters but the face underneath made them almost wish it was a dream that what they saw was only an illusion but it was real.

Nora: "How can this be?".

Ren: "It's shouldn't be possible".

Jaune: "Pyrrha".

As the now Grimm Pyrrha looks at her former team but she no longer sees them as her team or her friends only the humans which need to be destroyed.

Grimm Pyrrha

Jaune: "Pyrrha it's us we are your friends remember"

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Jaune: "Pyrrha it's us we are your friends remember".

Even after Jaune says that all Pyrrha did was ready her blade as she walks towards him but Ren and Nora stand in her way but she soon reveals her hidden power as she used her semblance which pushed them away as she continues walking towards Jaune but he was already prepared for her to attack but this was more than just a Grimm it was his once dead friend.

Jaune: "Forgive me Pyrrha but I must kill you for the 2nd time".

Ren and Nora watched as Jaune rushed at her as Pyrrha does the same and they clash their blades but Jaune remembering all the training he has gone through and all the people he's trying to save gave him the strength to push her back before bashing her in the face with his sheild making her stumble.

Jaune: "I've become stronger because I have friends I want to protect and lives I want to save".

Jaune swings his blade but was blocked by Pyrrha's sheild however knowing her moves means Jaune was quick to counter with a kick to her to her face as she stumbles back again allowing Jaune to pull off moves which he practiced with you during your travels.


Me: "Come on Jaune you need to focus on your strikes or the power in them falls".

Jaune: "I know it's just not easy for me to understand".

I knew Jaune was having a hard time learning his way of fighting but his semblance is only fit for support but I still wanted Jaune to learn his own fighting style as I gave him a little trick.

Me: "Jaune try focusing your aura into your weapons".

Jaune does as I ask but it doesn't work as expected but still it was progress as I sat with Jaune as he polished his sword after the experiment.

Jaune: "I'll never be good enough".

Me: "Not true you have the heart of a warrior Jaune but learning to fight takes time but what I just had you do shows your improving and some day your power shine like a star and you know what how about we give that attack a name I know how about .......".

Flashback Ends

Jaune looks at Pyrrha and is ready to take her down with ever last bit of his power as he starts pouring his aura into his sword as Pyrrha just turns her sword into a spear and throws it at Jaune but Ren blocks it as Nora prevents her from pulling her weapon back.

Ren: "We have your back".

Nora: "Ren's right besides she is team JNR's problem".

Jaune: "Thank you both now lets do this".

Ren rushed in preventing Pyrrha the chance to call her weapon as Nora joins in and makes it impossible for her to move around as Jaune's aura spikes making them look at him as his aura overflows but Pyrrha knowing the danger knocks Ren and Nora away and tries to make her escape but Ren was quick to prevent it as he kicked her back and Nora gets above her and blasts her to the ground with her grenade launcher as Jaune finished charging.


Jaune swings his sword and made a huge cresent slash which flies towards Pyrrha and once it connects the attack explodes and becomes a pillar of shining white aura which you noticed and smiled.

Ren: "Is it over".

Nora: "After that it has to be".

Jaune waits as the smoke clears but just as he thought Pyrrha managed to survive as he lifts his sword but now he was a little exhausted from that attack as Pyrrha rushed at him and looked like she was about to kill him Mari pushed himout of the way as Pyrrha killed her before tossing her over to Jaune before rushing at him but Jaune had enough and thrusts his sword through Pyrrha's chest and what happens next shocked Jaune.

Jaune: "I'm sorry Pyrrha".

Jaune soon looked up after feeling a hand on his cheek and what he saw was Pyrrha with her warm and kind smile before she whispers something in his ear.

Pyrrha: "Your my hero".

Jaune cried as Pyrrha turns to ash before looking at the now dying Mari who looked at his sad face.

Mari: "Tell me what is Blake like".

Jaune: "She is kind".

Mari: "That's good".

Mari dies in Jaune's arms being the first life lost in the war between humanity and Grimm.

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